
Growing-up little man

Jaden was happy even after failing his mission. Finding that magazine was so hard that he and his mommy had toured the whole city without luck. Every time, the shop assistant would say they received just one or two copies, and those were already sold.

«Oh, mommy, you're so famous now,» he said. «Everyone wants your picture.»

«I'm not sure it's about the picture, Jaden,» Lara chuckled. «It's just a famous magazine. That's all.»

«But it came out today and everyone bought it already!»

«Maybe because of the poster? There's a famous singer this week.»

«Oof,» he sighed. He still thought it was his mommy's merit if the magazine sold so much.

«Let's try again in the centre,» she sighed, not willing to give up just yet. In the end, if they couldn't find the copy, they could contact the magazine and make them send the original.
