
Kids forget

Luther didn't have a place to stay, so Melanie had offered him a room for the time being. Instead of a hotel, he could as well live at the residence for a few days.

Seeing him talk with the pups from afar and, little by little, getting along, she hadn't had the heart to take them away. They were related, after all. She just hoped her son and Lara wouldn't be unhappy to hear about it in the morning.

She needed a few minutes to realise it was the first time the pups met someone from their mother's family. Even their biological grandparents didn't know - didn't want to know - about them. For them, family meant Lara and, lately, Nate and his family.

They could scent their relationship with that new person, but it was so new that the twins were as calm as not to wreak havoc.

«So, you two love ice cream just as much as I do,» he was saying. «It must mean we're destined to be friends.»
