
Difficult to explain

Once at the company, Lara disappeared into an empty office. She didn't look up for a moment and chose a room she knew no one used. She closed the door and didn't come out for a long time.

Nate let her some time alone, knowing she needed space. He was learning, little by little, when he could be a clingy and possessive Alpha and when to avoid it...

A human mate required a lot of balance a wolf didn't have, but he was learning. He was willing to suppress his nature for her.

And she had been working so hard to make it work too! His heart couldn't help but beat happily at that thought. Even though worried to the core, even if he was fearing she would run away from trouble - and him... He was happy she was trying.

When the time came, he picked up the twins from kindergarten. He brought them to his office and let them play in their corner while he continued working.
