
The base

Lara had finished her tasks in the CEO's office earlier than usual, so she left a note for Nate on the desk and moved to HR.

She had plenty of things to do, and Roxy was acting as if they had to finish everything earlier because of some sudden emergency. As such, Lara did her part of the job while Roxy was away.

The office was silent, and no one came to ask for help - which was odd. Even after working there for a week only, Lara couldn't count the wolves with issues to solve - from little problems to grave situations. But, suddenly, everyone was fine?

She understood what was going on when Nate walked in a little before lunch break.

«Oh, hello,» he said. «I was looking for Roxy.»

«She will be back in a few minutes,» Lara replied. «I left a note on your desk for you. I've finished with the documents. Now I'll work here for a while.»

«A note?» Nate murmured, turning absent-minded for a moment.
