
Harsh punishment

Once back at the headquarters of the pack, Renato and the girls went straight to the Alpha's residence. They had to tell him they were safe and then to listen to his scoldings for a while.

All three were nervous and on alert, even though Lucretia wasn't as frightened as the other two. Her brother wouldn't be capable of being angry at her for too long, right?

Luciano Polenta was already there, sitting on the armchair and turned to the door, waiting for their arrival.

«First of all, Lucretia... You are grounded for two weeks,» he said rather calmly. «You won't go out unless necessary, and it won't be necessary if I have a say in it. You wanted to avoid being at home, and now you'll get the same result after being dragged back. Was it worth it, Lucretia?»

«Somehow,» she murmured. «I hate being stuck inside the quarter... At least I got a few hours of freedom before that.»
