
One less misunderstanding

«Samantha, what?» Nate asked, trying to think of any possible implication.

Did that brat say something to Lara? Did she threaten her?

Oh, it would make no sense. Samantha would never intrude in his private life, and she wasn't the type to dislike a woman just because she was human.

Moreover, he was sure the two got along while working together.

«What has Samantha to do with our relationship?» he murmured, scratching his chin, thinking hard.

«Aren't you two going out?»

Nate frowned.

His expression surprised Lara. He didn't seem guilty for being discovered. He didn't seem worried about her reaction.

Oh, no. She could swear there was a trace of disgust on his face, other than incredulity.

But why? What man could react like that to the thought of being associated with a woman like Samantha?

Lara could understand incredulity. She could understand laughter, awkwardness.

But disgust?
