
Class 443's 1st Class activity! pt.3

"The 3 minutes are up, at least one of you survive, Muhahahah" Zoe using mind transitions

The zombies laid dead on the floor and as their was pink mush and an eyeball over there with all that brain matter, Hiro was wiping his hands of their head juices while everyone was horrified by him,

"No wonder that snake/Chloe hangs around him, he's a monster" a student uttered, and the others around him and agreed without a doubt.

"Okay, we have 10 minutes until some more come in, I don't have enough magic to place a rune trap, and I'm not so well on any spells other than [Mana balst] seeing as it is my lowest costing Evocation spell" Hiro

Walking over to Peter and the additional lot, they were still in a daze after witnessing such horrors, but Peter had snapped out of it first and he looked at Hiro rather disgusted, he bluntly said,

"Who are you???" Peter

Not wanting to do the whole, I'm Hiro Natsu a sorcerer or, I'm a Demon monolog, problematic and crappy shit, he fucking slapped Peter with reality, and as he looked at them with widened eyes, and said as it was a simple matter,

"I'm a survivor and soon, you all will understand what I mean by that when you get to see the death all around" Hiro

Getting to them they swallowed shallowly and watched as Hiro put his hand on Peter's shoulder,

"Now, What's the plan, leader" Hiro

As leader was said, Peter took a step back in doubt of such title being tossed there and to him, out of everyone,

"Leader?" Peter

What was Hiro thinking, it was clear he was the only one suited to be a leader? And or someone else besides Peter, but he had clearly said what he said,

"I chose you to be my leader, I will follow your orders to the best of my ability, I just need you to lead us for survival, if anyone objects then we can choose another, but note, we don't have the time" Hiro

Having said that Hiro looked to the 8 near them and then to Chloe who was standing away from the group,

"Any objections?" Hiro

Shaking their heads Hiro took that as a success and backed away from Peter, he played the dramatic role as he kneeled and raised his head,

"I will be your weapon other than that swords, just call for me to attack or defend until we can find another weapon you can use what little magic I have left, now let us travel forth" Hiro knightly went about

But as he said that and Peter backed away as this was too much to handle on his own, he looked to the 1st group, and then back to the back of the room where the frightened students were and that was group 2 and then he looked to the door which the zombies came from.

"Uhhhhhh... Okay! Then let's leave, the door should be an escape route to this place!" Peter ventured

Stepping forward and past the others, he opened the door to see the outside world, there were huge bushes all around, but they were thick and high blocking them in. Looking up he saw a purple sun and black sky. Looking down, he saw that the whole yard had been covered in zombies, from frail ones which Hiro had killed, to bulky and holy f*ck those were Rank 3 zombies.

Backing away and slamming the door it was as if he has seen the ghost of Sparta because he turned to them and with fragile breathing like both lungs were going to give out and then he uttered,

"We can't stay here, if we do were all dead, we need to venture into this dungeonous place" Peter softly said

But as he said that there was some resistance from group 2 as someone shouted,

"No, just let us leave! we want to go home, we don't want to die!" Someone in group 2

But as someone had said that, he grabbed his left arm and looked away not knowing how to say this to them.

"Are you all stupid, Sensei told us to survive, she's a Necromancer, and I'm pretty sure she wouldn't have told us all of what she had and had gotten rid of the strongest of us if we could simply leave, so do you really think it'd be that simple" Hiro

Looking up he saw Hiro speaking out for him, and yet he hadn't even seen what Peter had seen, but he had his back even if this was a true escape route or not.

"He's right, on the other side of this door is a bunch of monsters! We need to progress inside this dungeon and find some real weapons if we wish to have a shot at surviving" Peter

Having paid attention to him, the group was devastated, they were truly going to have to live through this hell and die,

As for group 1, they came over to Peter and with the intent to survive and the trust in their friend, they said in sync,

"What do we do now!" All!

Circling around Peter as he started giving orders and telling them his tactic, Hiro stood off the side, he believed that Peter would make the right choices, however, he felt something ill in his chest, it was that secondary sours of energy, and it had started building up ever since he got here, he needed time to spread it through his body or he was going to suffocate.

"Is anything wrong? Hiro"

Looking up he saw Chloe still not with either group and he waved his hand side to side with a merger fake smile,

"I'm good, just a tad bit scared"

He ment to say nauseous but it still brought a reaction out of her, not the same as what would have come, but instead, this one was full of sympathy and also heroism,

"Don't worry, I'll protect you, have nothing to fear"

Despite being scared shitless on the inside, this brought out her strength towards being selfless for his sake, which worked out better than expected.

"Thanks, that makes me feel better"

It didn't make him feel better, there were too many fucking people around to become zombies and get everyone killed, especially her, she was more or less useless so that was another -1 in battle power.

"Everyone! We made a plan, were going to search the rooms to the [<left>] and [<right>] and then lastly the [<middle>] for loot, whichever room leads further into this place, we will follow while looting every room for equipment!"

Peter said coming out with a certain Charisma and determination for survival, which might not have been his seeing as that Sanibel girl was next to him and holding his hand.


As the rest of the class was against this, they all took a look outside and immediately fell in line to travel deeper into the dungeon, not all could handle this and passed out so the weakest of the class hand-carried and dragged them behind everyone so that they could process forward without anyone dieing.

With Hiro as Peter's left hand, and that pale silver-haired boy who looked like Sanibel but was named Farris was his right-hand man. The 3 of them ventured into the [<left room>] which they found to be empty but holding 4 wooden shields in them, which he, Hiro, Farris, and Chloe had equipped seeing as they were they were the head of the assault and most willing to kill for survival.

Chloe had just randomly jumped in and joined the attack group as she had promised to protect Hiro and stick with him, and Peter hadn't said a word, he just glanced at her with hateful eyes and looked away ignoring her existence? But why? What had she done to deserve this?

Anyways, after traveling into the right room and finding a single zombie in there, both Hiro and Peter rushed it, using their shields to bash and confuse it while the other went in with their shield to knock it to the ground and gore it, which Peter's hand volunteered to do at the moment.

After killing something for the first time and brutally bashing its head in, he had thrown up and was a mess, he finally understood the feeling of what Hiro had probably gone through, and this made him see new light as what he ment by survivor was Hiro simply survived, which he now needed to learn to do.

In the room they found a chest, looking inside it had all the wooden swords in it, and so 13 wooden swords were distributed to the reinforcement group of the class after the assault group was equipped.

The class was divided into 3 groups, the lead group aka the attack group was all who were able to fight and had been mentally prepared to kill.

The reinforcement group, the parts of the class that helped with looting and assisting the attack group after the attack on a room.

Then the supporter group, no one was left out in a role and this was just how it sounded, they would support the attack group with aid after a battle if any one of them was injured. there was 9 of them were this group and they were filled with frightened people, and they weren't just human, half of them were beast people, and the 3 who had passed out not too long ago were still being carried by them,


After 10 minutes of pure suffocation of emotions and a lot of vomiting as the stench of rotten flesh and corpses were all around, they had killed around 11 zombies total which was hiding in the rooms and they were all equipped with wooden weapons and shields,

But now, 10 zombies were let in and as they saw a stairway down to the second floor, they could hear banging on the door 2 rooms over and it had startled them and had caused Peter to make a quick desiccant and tell them to go downstairs while him, Hiro, Farris, Chloe, Tina, Sanibel and now Remi were on the attack group.

Opening the door to the middle of the floor they entered the room and as they did, the door in front of them was bust down and zombies came rushing at them.

[Oracle: next time, fight for survival, the start of your journey begins here class!]

So I was reading [kiss hug] and then something occurred to me as I read the first page, I can't read katakana! I can barely read the hiragana! ahhh!

TurtleMaster6319creators' thoughts