
Explanation before start

Hello again. I just finished rewriting the series and I want to explain some things.

First of all, when I rewrote the series, I left some parts similar. If you ask what episodes are, it is similar from the 1st part to the 3-year breakup part. But don't worry, it's not ctrl+c + ctrl+v. As I said, I am writing the series from the beginning, so some things will change.

Secondly, the series will change from start to finish, even if it is similar. Big and small changes will come to the series, I will try to write as if I am making you read a new series as much as I can.

Finally, even if this series is so bad, I will not write it again and I will continue until I finish it. I can edit the parts with very bad language, but other than that, I will continue until the end.

Other than that, I can't think of much else. If you have questions, write them here, I'll try to answer them as I see them. (I can give minimal spoilers.)

You are the best, don't forget that.

EZREDcreators' thoughts