

"It is done," Alvin told Harold confidently. "You just have to wait patiently and she'll come." 


Harold had never doubted Alvin before, so he was certain that whatever Alvin had done was going to work, but he was still curious to know what his plan was all about. 


"What did you do?" 


"I flooded her room," he said with a sinister snicker, but immediately stopped when he noticed how Harold was looking at him like he was insane. 


"That was the brilliant plan you came up with?" Harold asked in disbelief. It seemed Alvin was only good at being his eyes and ears around the palace. Coming up with plans was not his forte. He was even worse than Alicia.


"Isn't that... okay?" Alvin asked hesitantly.


"Goodness!" He massaged his temples in frustration. 


How was he going to survive dealing with his wolf, Alicia, and Alvin at the same time? 

"Just leave," he said, waving him off.
