KALEB went back to his clan. Everything is over now.
" Rose went back to her family as I wanted, but why do I feel like this? I should be happy because finally get rid of her. Why does my heart ache? This is the best decision for everyone. I shouldn't waver. I will forget everything after a couple of days. "
KALEB didn't forget anything, instead, he kept recalling Ricardo's words.
" After three days...She will never be yours. "
Alfredo noticed his gloomy face since Rose left them.
- Why don't you go to meet her?
- Why would I do that?
- Well, I was at first suspicious of her, but after that, it was clear that she didn't want any harm to us.
- So what? She was only paying her mother's debt.
- The way she was looking at you was definitely not of someone that only wants to pay his debt. She wanted to get closer to you. Don't you want that?