

3 days later, after finding the audiotape and the journal made by both Adam Smith and Marko Marshall, it had been clear to Alex that he needed to examine more about this town and what strange crimes had occurred at the time but with what he had found wasn't clear as of the people of Rudders End had not wanted to tell Alex about the deeds that occurred but he knew one thing was that the town had a terrible secret and it was the game itself bit the only question was what the motive of doing these crimes and what did It mean for the people of Rudders End? As these came into Alex's mind, he thought about grabbing something to eat but was encountered by Marko from where he was working and most of the people working with Marko didn't enjoy their job so they most likely went outside and smoke for a while until being either fired or suspended.

Alex went inside to grab a bite to eat but tripped over by a disgruntled worker named Bob who was in the same college as he was and was working as a part-time worker.

Alex got up to find his teacher Miss Willow in the restaurant who seemed to gave been waiting for somebody so he had approached her and asked what she was waiting for.

"Oh me, I'm ... uh waiting for my mother.... we were meant to meet up here but she's taking so long which is making me wonder if she'll even arrive or not."

Alex didn't buy that one bit and saw that there was something that just didn't feel right and he thought to look at her hands and came to the conclusion that she wasn't waiting for her mother but a date but who exactly was it thought Alex himself and considered why she was even doing this.

Marko arrived and he asked Alex if he was buying anything or not, "I'll just have some tacos and 1 kg of lemonade please."

Marko then took Alex's order and left to make it and when Alex looked back at Miss Willow, he could her face that she was swooning at Marko and then he thought, "(Oh fuck, my teacher is into my older brothers?! Oh shit! Oh shit! Then that makes my Teacher my ... sister in law?) I'm not ready for that type of commitment dude."

Alex then asked Miss Willow about Marko and she replied, "Well when growing up, he always show up in my part-time job and when he would talk in that cute condescending British Accent of his... I would swoon and this was before you were even going to school."

Marko then returned with Alex's order and he was being dragged away from Miss Willow, "Mate you can not go near her man... she is my teacher in college and I'm not allowing anything to happen."

Marko wasn't sure what he was talking about but by the tone of Alex sounded serious and he assured that he wouldn't do anything like that but Alex could see through his lies and knew that shit was about to happen, he then left and walked back home where he was approached by a businesswoman who was wearing the same outfit that the businessman was wearing and felt like she too was trouble.

"I'm sorry but I'm not interested in anything you guys have to offer so, please just leave me alone and let's just do this another time because I'm not willing to stay this late just to talk to a woman like you so happy travels."

Alex ran away from her as quickly as he could from made his way back home where Jamie was waiting for him outside; "Hey Dude, I was wondering if you wanted to come to my house and play some video games and shit, dude got the best deal out of the best game ever! So what do you say?" Alex didn't feel like playing and he felt like Jamie was going to say either two games that he knew too well, 'Fortnite' or 'League of Legends' and he was only good on the League of Legends.

"Come on, please! It's Saturday so there's nothing to be doing so come on! You know that I won't stop until you say yes!" Alex had no choice but to play with him and when he came inside Jamie's house, he found Mr and Mr Clifton packing things up for something and when they saw Alex, they shrieked and tried to hide from him.

"Dads, what's wrong with you two? It looks like you've seen a ghost of some sort."

Jamie looked in the direction they were staring at and saw that they were staring at Alex and he wanted to know why they would be frightened by Alex so Jamie ignored them and took Alex to his room which was big and had lots of gaming tools.

"Wow you have a cool room, Jamie, it competes better than our rooms which are too small but worth it for us and besides we don't like to play video games anymore because of what happens to our parents."

Jamie wondered why Marko and Alex were living by themselves and not with their parents but Alex said that he doesn't need to know about so they just played games such as League of Legends, played The Last Assassin Saga and even playing the Crime Case.

Alex and Jamie could hear next door that Elisa and her friends giggling and doing girly things and they overheard them saying something about calling Alex which would've been impossible since they don't have his number but boy was Alex wrong.

Alex then got a call from Elisa and as he picked it up, he could hear nothing from the other side so he just said, "Okay great talking to you, goodnight I'm hanging up!" Alex then hung up and carried In playing games. "Chicks are Insane."
