
The intricacies of mega evolution

Bang Bang

Rex's two feet landed on top of his desk as he leaned back on his chair, his hands behind his head as he looked out into the vast openness, dozens of mountains and infinite wilderness.

His left hand drifted down like a leaf before pulling out a shiny multi-coloured sphere with a rainbow-coloured DNA-like symbol within.

He held it up over his face to let the light shine on it as he observed it in more detail.

"Such a beautiful stone" he mumbled in a whisper.

[Indeed, it is, so much hassle for one such stone.] Gaia responded with a bit of resentment for all the effort it put in. this caused Rex to chuckle momentarily.

"Yet this stone has the ability to qualitatively change a Pokémon down to their DNA sequence. Isn't that why we still use it as the catalyst for our experiments?" Rex continued to mumble inaudibly to himself.

[The stone is too valuable and proves to have more use as a material for a permanent enhancement than to be used continuously as a temporary one in battle. It unlocks too many possibilities to ignore currently. Considering that no other object as of now is able to do something similar, these mega stones are invaluable.] Gaia's synthesised voice echoed in Rex's head.

"There is a lot of information we didn't quite know of until recently about mega stones. In Kalos, they actually aren't allowed to use mega evolution against opponents that do not have a mega stone due to the unfairness it presents. After all, mega evolution massively boosts a Pokémon's power for a short time.

Even now, some suggest that the use of mega evolution should not be used period in competition. I don't personally agree since as most people see it, mega evolution is not something simple to achieve. It's not as simple as getting a stone and using it.

Trainer and Pokémon must have an unshakable bond, strong beyond measure. The only reason I was able to do it previously was becuase I wasn't actually using mega evolution but instead using the initial reaction and surge in energy as a catalyst for awakening Arcanine's legacy.

I don't know if I could use mega evolution with all of my pokemon, even if I have a 100% bond with them. I have no doubt that Machamp and I can pull it off without question, but everyone else, it might take some time." Rex said slowly.

[The league didn't immediately pass a law in Kalos the moment mega evolution became viable in battle. There were too many unknowns, but quickly, those who were able to use it, abused it so much, that they had no opposition capable of sanding up to them. The chances of beating a mega in a pokemon's base form are simply too slim. After all, mega evolution is a representation of a Pokémon's future evolutionary pathway.

Beating it is just not something very realistic. They are stronger, faster smarter and possess a higher quality of energy and control over it to release far more devastating attacks.

Finally, public outrage forced the league to take action. And eventually, only using mega's when the two combatants have it at their disposal became the standard.]

Rex wasn't surprised at all, after all, mega evolution was a big part of Kalos, and it would be a big part of the rest of the world soon enough. And restricting its use for fair and safe battles is best.


"What do you think the boss is doing on the field?" Asked a grunt as he watched Rex standing far away in the middle of the grassy field without moving.

"You're asking me as if I'm friends with the geezer mate."

"Why don't you give a guess you dumbass, as if I would think you knew anything, you as dumb as a rock."

"you two bicker like an old couple. He's obviously going to do something special. Although I have no idea, it might be something useful for us nonetheless. Doubt it's a speech since he hasn't called for us." One of the squad commanders said as he walked towards the two grunts who were slapping each other like children.

He looked at the mass of soldiers amassing slowly to watch when they caught wind of their new boss about to do something on the field.

The two stopped fighting and also looked around.

"It does seem crowded now that I'm paying attention."

Giovanni stood on the side, leaning against a nearby wall as he listened in to the random chatter of the soldiers, but they were all anticipating what Rex would do. He was also curious, after all, it seemed to have something to do with that stone he had been carrying on his way down here.

He had done so research using the keywords 'mega stone' after hearing it in passing from Rex. He ended up watching several hours' worth of footage on battles where mega-evolution was used. He would be lying if he said he wasn't interested.

He cast his gaze once again on the back of the strongest trainer he had ever witnessed, wondering what wonders he would experience this time.


Tap… Tap… Tap…

A Pokeball rose through the air before falling into Rex's palm in a rhythmic pattern. He currently had a solemn expression on his face, the attempt to make Gyarados stronger had a very big chance of failing, nothing could be currently done, he just hoped that by some stroke of luck, he could succeed.


AN: Cheer Crimson_King for the idea on league restrictions on mega evolution. I feel like adding that piece of information makes a lot of sense when looking at it from residents in the Pokémon world's eyes.
