
Journey towards Pellet town

Rex was shocked at its explanation and turned towards Victreebell who was getting familiar with its new tail liked thing that was now attached to it. Rex noticed that it was much faster than before, its blade-like leaves stuck on his side cut the wind wherever he went. It was a sight to behold.

What Rex found most interesting was that the temperament of the two recently evolved Pokémon had changed quite a bit compared to how they used to act and behave. Arcanine who was always cheerful, jumping and running around was now loafing about enjoying the shade as it observed Victreebell.

It seemed the evolution affected the temperament and personality of Pokémon. When Rex thought about it, he concluded that I was like they grew older when they evolved. They would be happy and naïve when they were little but as they grew stronger and evolved, their personality would change.

It was only surprising since it came so suddenly and abruptly. Victreebell was the opposite, he wasn't as gentle as before. He was still brave but there was a certain danger that lurked in the air whenever he was around. It seems that Victreebell had really become the optimal hunter.

Rex was happy with his two team members evolving and becoming stronger. Rex recalled the menacing Victreebell back into its Pokeball and hopped onto Arcanine's back. It seemed that there was one constant thing with Arcanine. It would still act like a child when Rex interacted with him.

They made their way back towards the city at a rapid pace. It only took 5 minutes to arrive at the outskirts of the city where the dirt roads became asphalt and much cleaner. Rex hopped off of Arcanine and recalled him back into his Pokeball before summoning his Bike again. He hopped on and zoomed into the city and into a restaurant where he would eat.

He didn't want to attract attention to himself while riding Arcanine, after all, he stood out like a sore thumb. Rex ate his dinner in a nice restaurant and headed back to his hotel where he would spend the night. Tomorrow he would be heading to the port where a small ship was waiting for him. It was smaller since not many people were heading to pallet town, to begin with.

The day soon past and the morning sun rose from the east. The sun shone on Rex's face as he awoke to the sound of a woman singing. He got up, washed his face and got changed. All while still hearing the pleasant melody. He wanted to see who it was but by the time he peered out the window, there was no one there.

Elesa who had just finished her song, walked out with a suitcase as she prepared to travel the island in search of adventure. She had heard talk about an explosion out in the forest and the roars of a Pokémon so loud it caused a small Pokémon tide to rush into the city. She wanted to see if she could see it and maybe even take a picture so that she could show it to Rex when they met again.

Elesa "Wait! Why would I want to show that guy, humph! Kissing me without my permission, I'll make sure to zap him when I get the chance!" she vowed angrily before storming off.

Rex "ACHOOOO! What the hell? Allergies? As if God just chucked in 'susceptible to allergies', in there secretly" he joked only to sneeze again. He shook his head, sighed and packed his bags. Upon leaving the hotel he made his way over towards the pier where the boat was waiting for him. It was still public but as he got there, he found that it was going to be delayed due to heavy storms.

Rex "right because a storm is so scary. Fuck it, I'll go by myself," he grumbled before walking towards a shop where they sold small boats. He bought one that had a strong motor in it, cover from the rain and was brand new. Cost him $200,000. But he didn't mind spending Giovanni's money.

He soon walked over with the manager and arrived in front of his new boat. He thought about riding Gyarados, but it would be a couple of days before they got there, and they needed to take breaks and sleep. He wouldn't have anywhere to sleep if he rode on Gyarados. Plus, it was unfair on him. He didn't see them as modes of transportation. He didn't mind riding on them when there was a place to rest being constantly available.

After sending off the manager, Rex asked the system to pull all the information available on how to use a boat. He had never had the chance to use one so this was a first for him. It didn't take long before all the information was sent to him via the system. He instantly became a veteran sailor.

There were a couple of old men who were sitting by the docks looking on, eager to see the young, overconfident lad fail at sailing a boat. Rex started off making mistakes since having knowledge and being able to apply it smoothly were two different matters completely. The old men began to laugh with "I knew it" expressions written all over their faces.

Rex who was oblivious to this didn't falter, and soon got the hang of it. In the next 20 minutes, he was already sailing away into the vast ocean and towards pallet town.

Old man 1 "H-How did he just do that?" he asked his friend as he stared at Rex's boat sailing over the horizon.

Old man 2 "No idea, but it was shocking to witness nonetheless," he said with his mouth agape. There was only silence for a good few minutes before the two men broke into laughter.
