
You Are Mine, My Love

Ji Hoon was sleeping in his cabin like a little baby. Anna entered the unlocked small room, grabbed a wooden chair and sat just next to his bed.

"He looks… exhausted," she muttered while watching the tired face of her man.

At this moment, everything Ji Hoon did came back to her. She started recalling everything he did starting from that night a couple of days ago.

"You landed on my world… like thunder… like lightning… you crashed into my world… uninvited… without any warning… and turned my life upside down… saved me thrice… and all I did was to harm you…"

Her words flooded swiftly like her tears. Her eyes got reddened while she silently cried. In her eyes, all she did to him was to make him suffer. And in return she did nothing back.

"Look at me, I'm the mighty alpha of the mighty Ravners… what a pathetic wolf I am…" she sniffed while trying to look away for a second.
