
Sabastian – Practice Proposal

"They are beautiful, aren't they?"

I swallowed a groan at the sight of Kane. The bastard could not give me a break. I tried avoiding him all day. Here he was, ready to torment me with his bullshit beliefs. No doubt he was going to tell me something I already know.

"If you are here to give me a lecture, you can turn around," I growled. "There is nothing you will say to me that I don't already know."

He halted next to me. "Really?"

I observed him through the corner of my eyes. "Yes. The garden is clear evidence that I have to propose. I know Scarlet's ring size and the type of ring she might like. That's why I am out here. I know how important this is, not just for me but for everyone else too. So, you can lay off."

"I see." Kane leaned against the tree in the middle of the garden. "Have you chosen the ring yet?"
