
Ignore It

Selah became thoughtful and pulled out a chair to sit as well.

"The crow could be many things, but let me give you an example of what comes to my mind," she said.

"Each of us is like a vessel of sorts. A beautiful, living vessel entangled with the universe—with all of matter… and when we die, when we pass on… our souls disperse into something similar to a cloud of stardust. Not literally, understand," Selah dipped her head and looked at August through her dark lashes. "It is imagery for a kind of scattering that occurs between dimensions—outward and inward—in all directions."

August nodded. She didn't know why she was nodding, because what was being said was going way over her head. Perhaps she was just nodding so Selah would continue. Seeing August's acknowledgment, Selah did just that.
