
Harm's Way

He glanced up at her widening eyes and chuckled. This mate bond was something, all right. He wondered if it would ever be possible to hide anything from her. But he didn't want to scare her with the information he had found in Zoe's map room and library. He didn't know how much he trusted anything that came from that team of Zoe's.

"Before I saw what the council calls the alyko files, the only history I had ever heard of the alyko was in whispers. It wasn't something the alyko themselves discussed openly, and everyone else's posture toward the history was always that the alyko were… defective, you could say. They lack what makes lycans most proud. That animalistic power. That ability to physically dominate. When lycans have disputes, they may try to reason and be strategic—that's the elders' role in a pack, really—but any escalation of tension is settled physically. The more physically powerful, the better," he explained.
