
Leo’s “Origin”

Leo called a cab but it would be a while before it arrived, so he decided to walk around the outside of the embassy for a while.

The security of the building was pretty low since it was abandoned.

Leo was pondering on how to increase the security of the building without making it obvious.

However, he was soon distracted when he heard someone yelling right behind.

"You motherfucker!"

Leo didn't get to react and was hit with a bat against his right leg.

Leo fell to the ground from the unexpected hit.

His defensive instincts instantly kicked in and he made sure he landed on his back, following up by covering his head with his arms to ensure no second major blow could follow up.

Surely enough he felt the impact of the bat against his arms.

Leo quickly rolled sideways to evade the next attack.

He heard the dull impact of the bat hitting the ground and finally was able to get up.

When he got up he finally got a clear view of his assailant.

"Emilia...? The fuck are you doing here?!"

In front of Leo stood Emilia in civilian clothing, holding a metal bat.

There was a fierce expression on her face.

"No! You have no right asking me such a question! Tell me what the fuck have you been doing here?!"

"Nothing! I've just been on va-"

"Don't you fucking lie to me Leo! I've seen what happened in that hotel and I took a peek down that hatch!"

Leo stepped closer to Emilia, trying to calm her down.

Instead of that, he got a whole other reaction.

Emilia pulled out an M1911, aiming it at Leo.

"Don't you get any fucking closer. You have a lot of explaining to do."

Leo ground his teeth and stood still in his location.

Emilia calmed herself down a bit and took a deep breath before asking her first question.

"Why were you in that hotel with MC&D client Noah?"

"You remember our first mission together, right? Where you were injured?"


"I met with Noah back then, he saw potential in me and wanted to contract me but it wasn't possible due to me being bound to MC&D, they didn't want to sell me even after a massive offer. Noah had a big deal here and required me for additional protection, shit went south and I killed the client."


"That was it."

A trace of anger could be seen on Emilia's face again.

"Don't you fucking lie you traitor! Don't forget that I peeked down that hatch! The fuck are you up to?! There was a shit ton of flesh on the walls! Fucking explain Leo!"

Leo sighed, he knew that this one would not be all too easy to explain.

"I am exploring my origin, Emilia."

"The fuck are you talking about?" sneered Emilia.

"I don't remember anything about being born, I didn't have parents or anyone to fucking help me. The only reason I managed to survive is because of sheer willpower. There is a group of people in the embassy that display similar powers to me, I hoped they could tell me something about my origin."

The anger in Emilia's face vanished as she heard about Leo's origin.

Leo continued.

"I truly don't remember anything, I just popped into existence. I tried getting close to people but they attacked me. I was malnourished and on the brink of starvation when I killed my first human, that is when I learned about my powers."

A depressing smile could be seen on Leo's face.

"You are the only one who truly accepted me, MC&D only sees me as a tool, but you have shown me compassion despite knowing about my true form. That is also why I saved you during my first mission, I never cared about anyone but I knew that you were different."

Emilia's hands trembled as she was holding the gun, tears were welling up in her eyes.

She put away her gun and made sure it was on safety before embracing Leo.

A devilish smile could be seen growing on Leo's face, knowing that he managed to deceive one more soul.

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