

Leo rubbed his tired eyes, two hours of sleep was by far not enough, but he would have to deal with it.

After driving for another fifteen minutes they arrived at what appeared to be a junkyard.

Alyona drove into the entrance of the junkyard and into the back of it.

Soon an old man appeared in the corner of Leo's eye and he approached the car.

"Payment." said the old man.

Alyona took out a solid rack of cash and gave it to the man.

If Leo had to guess, it was atleast five thousand euros.

The man nodded at Alyona, signaling her to follow him.

Soonly they arrived at a new vehicle, it was quite a crappy one for the amount of money they handed over, but they soon got in the car.

They drove off once again.

"So, Leo, have you reconsidered joining the Kozlov household after sir Noah gave you the proposition?" asked Alyona suddenly.

She continued.

"After performing this mission Noah's interest in you will only increase, there is a big chance that he will offer MC&D a surreal amount of money in hopes of purchasing you."

"And how much money are we talking about?" questioned Leo.

"200 million at least, probably a lot more though," said Alyona without displaying any emotions.

Leo was shocked by this amount, he could only dream about making so much money!

However, Leo already had some thoughts about leaving MC&D sooner or later.

After all, now that he received some more information on his sub-class he would be looking for sarkists.

He truly didn't wish to be bound to any group of interest, but he was forced to bind to MC&D, if he didn't do it he would not be speaking right now.

Secretly he hoped that MC&D would accept Noah's offer even though Leo knew that the chances of it happening were rather slim.

"We will see what happens." said Leo to Alyona.

They continued to drive in silence, having some small talk so now and then.

Nothing important was discussed in the meantime, and after driving for quite a long while they arrived back at Noah's mansion.

Leo was instantly ushered into the meeting room with Noah and Alyona entered soon after.

"So, Leo. How did the mission go?" questioned Noah.

Leo responded quickly.

"All went well, killed The Hermit meanwhile staying undetected and secured both items you requested, I did slaughter all camera operatives, though." said Leo.

Noah laughed before responding.

"Extra details like the camera operatives don't matter, if they were in your way then I really don't care if you killed them. I am just surprised that you managed to kill The Hermit and secured both the objects I wanted."

In the next second, Alyona put the box containing the SCPs on the table and Noah opened it.

Noah picked up the ring and picture frame before inspecting them, soon after that a satisfied smile appeared on his face.

"I got confirmation that The Hermit died a while ago, the entire site is still in lockdown.

My insider told me that MTF ETA-10 "See No Evil" was dispatched to the site since they thought a cognitohazard caused the death of your victims, that was until they saw the camera footage though."

Leo let out a chuckle.

"Well, they must be quite angry to find out that a shapeshifter killed their men, however, there is something that I need to discuss with you, Noah." said Leo.

Noah's face instantly went serious.

"What is it, Leo?" questioned Noah.

"I found a secured document on The Hermit's computer and I opened it.

Turns out that I have been classified as SCP-6840, with the keter containment status.

The biggest problem is that there is a active MTF squad looking for me, dubbed "The Mimic Hunters. The squad is being led by a E-11 member known as "Nix" as you know, MC&D will probably inquire me about the nature of the mission you gave me, and they will probably log it in their database.

Noah sighed upon hearing this.

"I should've known something like this would happen, however, there is not a lot we can do about that as of now."

Late chapter.

lazylizardcreators' thoughts