

If everything seems under control, you are not going fast enough.

The carriage where Dreamer, Liberi, Archie and Julie sat, was going fast enough hence, it was not under control.


The horses screeched, their legs not on the ground anymore. They were in the air.

The driver of the carriage was no more in the front as in just ten seconds at the start, he fell off the carriage. The nitro completely took him off guard.

"Haha. Amazing." Dreamer laughed out loud. He was living it.

The nitro never stopped. Dreamer kept pouring mana on the remote.

They were bouncing up and down inside the carriage.

"See you all later." Liberi said and went inside Dreamer's chest.

"Bastard. Let us in as well!" Archie screamed. He clenched the seat with all his power.

Dreamer shook his head. "You can't go. It's for special people. Hahaha."
