
Rekindled 39

When I reached my room Riley was pacing in there. She came running to me her expression was stern. I know she is angry at me for leaving without telling her. In my defence, if I told her she would never let me leave. Ever since my falling episode, she was smothering me like crazy. We have come a long way from enemies. Now she is like the sister I never had.

"How could you leave without telling me?", she said.

" I didn't realise that I'm sorry. I went to practice since I was bored to death", I consoled her.

"I would have played board games with you. I disappointed the prince. He asked me to take care of you. I took a small break and when I came back you had gone and Lucien came to check up on you. I was left embarrassed I couldn't do a small task", she said sadly.

" You are a child Riley and I on the other hand is a grown-up. You have taken good care of me while I was unwell. It's not your duty to look after me. It should be me who looks after you. Have you eaten anything yet?", I asked.

I felt a pang on my chest Riley is a child and no one looks after her. She lost her parents because of humans. I was somewhat responsible for her.

"You should come and eat with me from now on", I told her.

" I'm fine I will eat with the kitchen maids like always. I don't think those girls are nice", she said turning up her nose at me.

"If you are nice to her they will be nice to you as well. Remember, we are friends only because I took the initiative, not you. It has to change or you will be alone", I told her.

" I'm fine by myself and who told you we are friends", she asked me.

I looked at her my eyes wide and she laughed out loud.

I wagged my finger at her and said, "You are not nice at all ". She only laughed more and more.

" How was your practice?", she asked me.

"It was Ok ", I told her.

" Why would you go there and get dirty when you could sit in front of the mirror and look pretty all day?", she asked me.

"Because pretty can be boring after some time", I told her truthfully. In the short period, I have been here I have hated being called pretty. It was stifling. I felt myself, reduced to be a plaything whose main job was to please others.

She nodded her head understanding. I don't want her to grow up and idolise this slavery.

" I think you should go to school. I will talk to Lucien and arrange it ", I told her.

She looked horrified at the mention of school.

" I don't want to go to some school", she scoffed at the idea. I know she won't be convinced. I have to talk to Lucien or she will lose her future.

"So I want to ask your permission for bringing the wise here", she said. I sighed in frustration. She hasn't let go of the idea. I don't want to listen to some fraudsters. But I will if I can get her to agree about school.

" Alright, you can bring the wise here. If you agree to go to school", I consented.

"Ok I will go", she said her mouth twisting as though she swallowed something bad. I hid my laugh she was a cute as a button. I hugged her and she didn't push me away.

I heard a knock on the door and saw Mina standing there guiltily. I smiled at her not believing my eyes. She waved at me and I indicated her to come in. She came inside reluctantly.

I could sense that she wasn't comfortable talking in front of Riley. I asked her to give us some space to talk about grown-up stuff. She just shrugged her shoulders and ran without getting offended. I sighed out of my relief. I turned to Mira. She has finally come to see me. I just hope she forgives me for my mistake.

" I'm sorry for reacting the way I did. I was afraid and confused. I ended up being hurtful to you", she said.

"You don't have to say sorry it was all me. I have put your life in danger without telling you the truth about me. You only did what anyone would have done in your position", I told her.

" That's your beauty Mars you never see faults in your loved ones be it me or your aunt", she said with a smile.

I didn't know how to answer that so I stayed silent.

"I have forgotten who I was before the slavery Mara. I saw myself as nothing but a loyal slave. I prided myself for being perfect and betraying that was more than I could bear. I never felt like a human before you Mara. I never thought how I was aiding the same system that was corrupting me. If it doesn't end with us it will never end, ruining the life of generations to come. If there is someone who can stop it from happening that should be you. You could have lived here happily with Lucien but you chose to fight not for you but for us too. I'm grateful for that and let me in your secret", she said.

I was so happy I hugged her. I never thought she will be supporting me. But life never stops throwing surprises at me.

She moved away from me and kept her hand over her heart and said, " I will do whatever in my power to help you. I also promise you to never leave you as I left you before. I want to be your friend and also your partner. I will help you beat Igor and free mankind if you let me".

My eyes started flowing with tears and I said, "I'm honoured to be your friend and promise you that I will never fail you".
