
How can your kisses make me calm down?

The most magical kiss in the world How can your kisses make me calm down?

-We're leaving now, Miss Lucrecia, at the hotel reserved where you will get married there, put on your dress," Lupe tells her.

-¡He just bought my dream dress, for all the centuries I can’t believe this is a dream or it’s real! -The blonde exclaims, playing with her long straight hair.

-Miss Lucrecia, do you want to comb your hair, ¿or do you want me to comb it? -asks Raquel with a little smile.

-I don’t need to comb my hair or make up, my hair is already straight, I want it that way, the fact that the unmentionable one, who I don’t want to mention right now, because he would explode with rage, doesn’t like my hair to be loose, and who has my hair, I don’t understand it, it’s beautiful, straight, and by the way, ¿do you like my hair? -replies the blonde Lucrecia.

-I love it, and you know it, I like the way you are humble, beautiful and kind-hearted," says the blonde.

-What is your name? -she asks.

-Finally you deign to ask that, Miss Lucrecia," says Lupe.

-I'm Jeff Gomez," says the handsome blond.

-Ok, now I'll be Mrs. Lucrecia Gomez," she says.

-Let's go, but there's only one problem, I just remembered that I don’t have a car, it broke down yesterday, ¿could you Mr. Jeff give me a ride? -she says blushing.

-Yes, I can," he says as he carries her in his arms.

They all look at each other, even Jeff's mother who is the one holding the wedding dress in her hands, was surprised, in their minds they wondered, is it really that they are taking the contract seriously or is there something more than a contract up their sleeves?

They all leave the house, Lupe locks the door, and they get into the super big limo inside, with a vanilla smell, very comfortable even to sleep in, they end up watching Jeff carefully put her in the limo and buckle her belt, he gets in and that's it, they are ready to go and start new adventures, their gazes meet again, losing each other in each other's gazes.

One hour later, the limousine slows down and Lucrecia's heart is racing, Jeff hands her the contract and a pen to sign two documents, false documents that prove that they went through this important decision, finally she takes the pen and signs them with her signature.

Anxiety eats her, she sighs and suddenly he gives her a kiss on her lips reassuring her as they leave.

While they were kissing she thought in her head wondering: ¿How is it possible that his kisses calm me down instantly?

The blonde whispers in the blonde's ear How can your kisses calm me down? -she asks in his ear.
