
Chapter 144

Logan and Rebecca were headed toward the barn when his cell phone rang. He dug it out of his jacket pocket.


"Logan? It's Rance Danvers. Where are you?"

Logan frowned. "Still at my house. Rebecca and I are just about to saddle a couple of horses and head for some of those hard to get to spots. Why?"

Silence thrummed across the connection.

"Rance?" Logan prompted. "What's going on."

When the sheriff spoke, his voice sounded strange. If Logan didn't know better, he'd think the man was frightened by something.

"I just had the damndest phone call." He paused again.

"From who? And what did they want?

"Guy named Ben Crater. Former Marine. Came here to settle after his last tour in Afghanistan."

Logan was beginning to lose patience. He wanted to get going. Tracking wasn't going to be easy under the best of circumstances and the places they were heading made it that much more difficult.
