
Chapter 116

Why do I feel that I've covered the entire state of Maine?

Logan's wolf lips were pulled back in a replica of a grin.

They had stopped in a small clearing among a towering stand of blue spruce to regroup and reorient. They had been running for close to six hours, working their way out and then back toward the motel. Logan had shown Clint the ice cave, which showed no signs of being used in the past twenty-four hours, and they scoped out some likely spots for the beast to hide and attack.

They had not seen any sign of the devil beast or any indication it was out hunting tonight. Silently they shared an uneasy feeling, as if they were missing something.

Wimp! Clint gave a silent laugh. You should ask the CID to warn these particular folks again, and be sure the sheriff's patrols pay careful attention to these areas.

I just have the feeling we're missing something.

Clint stared at him through his wolf eyes. I think we've done all we can for tonight. Let's get back to the motel.
