
Chapter 417- Escaping the Obssessed Followers

Zach suddenly sat up and pointed his finger at the tower.

"Hey, look! What is that?!"

There was a shadow crawling on top of the tower, holding a fire torch.

"Who is that?" one of the citizens asked.

"Oh no!" Zach exclaimed. "Could it be that it's one of the guards who was hiding all this time?!"

"Yes! Yes!"

"Oh no!" Zach exclaimed again, but a little more exaggerated this time. "Why is he holding a torch?! Could it be that he is trying to call for backup?!"

"Hurry! We should kill him before that happens!"

All the citizens rushed to the tower to kill the guard. However, that shadow was Layla, who was acting on Zach's order.

The moment the citizens reached the top, Layla had vanished, and so had Zach. When the citizens returned to the garden, they found something written on the ground on the spot Zach was sleeping earlier.

[We have captured the rebellious price on the demon lord's order!]


This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue:
