
Chapter 176: The Isleans Training (1)

" You have been staying here for half month already and yesterday, you brought such proposal to the Isleans Empire which my family will be sure to benefit on it." I said as I was holding 2 pair of stick with my hands and walking around him as both of us are in a plainland where it is peaceful together with its warm & fresh air as the sun just gone up to the sky an hour ago.

" Your welcome and I know for sure Luka Narth wouldn't let his guard down at me especially, for such benefits I been giving to your Melena and to your Isleans Family." He said with his lips curl up slightly along with his unique eyes of sapphire & emerald I stared at me from head to toe such long hair not only like the jet black night sky everyone will see the difference as his hair was truly a night sky filled with glimmering or shining stars hmm maybe I can see a constellation or more at his hair.

" Empress Amaris Herean, once again thank you and I will pay you in behalf of the Isleans Empire with, a month of training with me of Arnis also called Eskrima." I uttered as I stop right in front of him with my eyes showing strictfulness without hesitate or hypocrisy yet he just give me a soft smile on his face and hmm he have such unique physique, slim, petite, muscular too but just more than a bit for sure, and feminine & masculine maybe was combined well enough to build him especially his face, charming & gorgeous at the same time.

When he arrived here I really thought for real that she is a woman especially wearing a dress I almost forgot the etiquette of the Acun Empire for their Emperor & Empress, yet his charming especially his just wearing the same clothes of us Isleans hmm if he wear the clothes of Isleans women he would like a Isleans Goddess and as he was wearing the clothes of Isleans men let us say, a Isleans God is in my sight but a casual and optimistic one if he is a immortal but same as us Empress Amaris Herean is just another mortal.

" Thank you very much too, for giving me a training to the martial art of Isleans Empire and the strongest Arnisador of the empire's current era or generation himself, is teaching me." Empress Amaris said tsk such familiar words from some hypocrites I met before yet its different to him like he was being not hypocrite still at the same time a hypocrite hmm why would I always or I guess everyone might feel to opposite vibes or things are together at the same perfectly well to him?

" Your welcome and, a month would be enough right, Amaris." I remarked as I have grin at my face looking at him the smile on his face disappear as he let go a sigh ohh hmm so you want more than a mont-

" Thank you again a month would be absolute enough and, if you're testing if I will get greedy for more than a month, the result I win or I won." Amaris remarked as he shrugs and gives me a grin to as he his eyes looking at me like he was bragging something or his eyes are showing satisfaction with glory? how is it so hard to read you!

" Then your welcome again." I said as I throw a pair of sticks towards him I throw it on purpose towards the right-side upward and he jump to catch as he lands his foot at the ground then spin in a nick time then stomp his other foot to the ground holding the pair of sticks on this hands already.

" Then shall we start Luka Narth?" He asked as I shakes my head for a bit and grin at him while my eyes are like looking down at him with my sticks already on my grip then I sighed.

" We will start, after you call me, Sir Luka or Master Luka." I stated and he just laugh as he took a deep breath followed by a bow then he raise his head.

" Shall we start now, Master Luka?" He asked again like nothing happened hmm acting like a humble disciple already aren't you good now let us begin.

" He would start with the footwork first, a linear footwork I guess you already know that, you just to need to step forward & backward in just a single line or a straight line while attacking & blocking." I step my right foot forward with my left foot behind it while holding my doble baston or a pair of sticks and he nods his head he do the same with our straight back and eyes focused on each other.

" Am I doing the right thing? Master Luka?" He asked he did it well yet being a humble disciple hmm taking such role right now as he have a soft smile on his face then the grip of his hands on his bastons good not so tight and not so careless.

" Yes you did it well, now let us do the basic striking I will strike you at the right-side and strike it back with your baston at the left-side and likewise for my left & your right later on." I swing or strike my baston at my right hand gently as he strike it back with his baston at his left and vice versa.

" Now as we are striking right to left & left to right, we will do it again but up-ward & down-ward do you understand." He nods his head as I strike my right baston down-ward and he strike it back with his left baston up-ward and vice versa as I strike my right baston up-ward again and he strike it back with his left baston down-ward.

" Then what's next Master Luka?" Amaris asked as he continue doing the same as both of us increase the speed and the strength to each other's bastons while ours eyes looking at each other.

" Next I will move 4 steps forward as we do the same pattern of striking and you will step back 4 times and then exchange you do what I do, I do what you then repeat." I said as I took a step forward per strike and he move backward per strike too after striking forward for 4 times he starts striking me and step forward one by one hmm good yet I feel his adding the speed of his strike and the strength or maybe I was the one doing it'

" Now after that we will move side-ward at the same time for one step only and then do the same pattern of our striking & moving also, we will move again side-ward then again, until we will complete a circle do you what I mean and I almost forgot not just a simple side step, cross-step would be better." I added and he nods his head while smiling as he keeps striking each other bastons and moving forward & backward then cross step to the side repeating the same pattern until we completed already a half-circle yet I can feel or we both know the speed & strength of our strikes & movements are in a different level now hahaha.

" Amaris we will just repeat the same thing after completing a whole circle but, we will do it all again like our field is spinning or we are spinning around on our battlefield, did you get it Amaris." I ended as both of us didn't notice the our every step is almost like jumping forward & backward striking so tense as we can hear our bastons clashing and creating such noise as we both have a smirked on our face.

We completed a whole circle as we do it again on another spot and hahaha it was jumping steps forward & backward from just a simple forward & backward steps before and the cross steps turned into a almost a run towards the side then we will strike hard again to each other, for as a couple of minutes completing almost dozen of circles at our battlefield we still continue yet the speed & the strength keeps increasing I didn't tell him not to use aura like me during this training still we was not absolutely using a tiny bit of aura, ohh hahaha you are a fighter too not just to magic, aura, divinity, and etc Amaris, a Herean a Blood-descendant of the Hereans.

" Master Luka this is just basics right? hehe yet you or both of us for sure are enjoying this." He said as he runs towards him striking me right to left & up-ward to down-ward yet he immediately runs backward while still facing me and hahaha ohh now its a training of speed & strength.

" Yeah, basics but, who said that we can't enjoy just simple pattern right, Amaris." I replied as strike both of my bastons at the right side going down-ward and he responded with striking his bastons to the left side going up-ward and vice versa.

" It's fun but Master Luka." He muttered as we continue doing the same until we stop for the meantime when our bastons the four of them broke what the? it broke?! wait its already half hour passed and it seems we sweep the ground with our movements.

" Did you bring some extras Master Luka?" he asked as he starts giggling I should bring some extras next time yet Amaris already created some extra dozens of it with his magic & aura at the same time I can sense it he throws me a pair of baston the same as how I throw to him before pfft hahaha you damn Amaris.

" Wanna start again? Master Luka." His face turned serious and his voice turn into a solid one like there's a bravery, courage, and confidence together as he toke the first move hahaha I will not let my guard down Amaris.

" Why start again? when we didn't even end it Amaris." I have a smirk on my face which I can't describe what is it but maybe a smirk I have during the massacre I recently did or the first & last massacre I will do hahaha...forget it now, focus on this battle! I mean training hahaha.

I and Amaris didn't stop until 8 hours already had passed even we are breathing heavily especially him we still want to continue but we're starving now hahaha, I told him the training ends now and he smile as he immediately drops down to the ground gazing up to the sky, smiling brightly, and breathing heavily hahaha as I kick him gently of course at his leg he looks at me then I gave him a coconut as I already slice it so he drank it all in one gulp.

" Good job and, we will do this for a whole week." I said as he stood up and starts doing some stretching yet I can feel the exhaustion he have even I is a bit tired but I'm used to it also he used not only his physical strength & speed, magic, aura, and more just to create our bastons.

" I understand Master Luka and, are we going home now?" He asked and I give him a thumbs up I wanna rest too also, I wanna see Melena to know what is she doing right now.

" Come on, let us go home now Amaris." I replied as both of us still have a conversation while going back to the palace and the topic is all about Arnis the thing I taught him and the knowledges he acquired already about it.
