
Chimera vs. Human


Nick stared down at her like he felt sorry for her. She almost punched him in the nose. He took the rest of the papers she'd retrieved and threw them back into the trash can, then started back down the stairs, obviously expecting her to follow.

Sasha did, but to stand in defense of Zev and his people. "So, they can't read. Big deal. That doesn't mean they're stupid."

"No, of course not. You're right. There's many, many ways they outsmart us. But that's not my point. They don't read or write because they've had no need to. But also, we've found that many of them can't. Their brains just don't work that way. They're tactile people—like animals. They learn through trial and error, by observation, cause and effect. There are many things they can do better than us. But there are also many things they can't."

Sasha blinked. "But, Zev—"
