
Ch.34 Hi I am Voldemort. I have a son.

After the whole debacle of the chamber of secrets, the school sighed a breath of relief. Knowing that the attacks won't happen again. But with the good news came the bad news as well. Well, it was bad news for many but okay news to our group.

Since the culprit was now caught the exams, as well as the Quidditch, was again open. Many people were upset at that but what can you do. The study group was now again in full force and everyone was studying hard.

(In the Library)

After the study session was done we were going to our common rooms, there was still some time for the feast. I stopped Hermione and said, "Hey can I talk for a minute?"

She nodded and everyone went away and she asked "What do you want to talk about?"

I said, "I just wanted to say that it's good to have you back and was wondering if you were interested in joining the duelling club as well as learning magic under me?"

She was surprised and asked, "What do you mean the duelling lessons are over ever since Lockhart got fired."

I said "I know that. What I mean is that I asked Headmaster's permission to open a duelling club and he has agreed to it. So I was wondering if you would join that and I can teach you magic as well."

She asked, "I have asked you before and you didn't why a sudden change of heart?"

I sighed and said "When you got attacked I realized that aside from me no one knows how to defend themselves. So I am going to train everyone. But you Hermione have a big potential so I wanted to nurture that. You can still join the duelling club and not learn from me. But I want you to think about what I am offering you."

She asked "I will think about learning under you... When is this club opening?"

I said, "It will open next year. So you have some time to think about it."

We then got out of the library and went to our common rooms. After reaching the common room. I saw that everyone was in our corner and were talking to each other.

I went to our spot and sat on the sofa and said "I have an important announcement for you all."

They stopped talking and looked at me and I said "I have gotten permission from the Headmaster to open the duelling club."

Ted said "How? Wait never mind that. When is it going to open?"

I said, "It will be open next year but I have to work on the details now."

Ted, Alyssa and Olivia were excited and I said "Hey what about you two?" I pointed at Daphne and Victoria

They said, "We will join obviously."

After the announcement, we then just waited for when it was time for the feast. After the feast was done. Most of them went to their room study. I was sitting alone with Daphne and Victoria because I had asked them to do so.

Daphne asked "Okay so no one is here now. So can you tell what was it that you wanted to talk about?"

I looked around and used a privacy charm and said "You both remember when I promised I wouldn't lie to you both?"

Victoria asked, "What did you do?"

I said, "I did, nothing and it is hurtful of you to assume that I did something."

Daphne said, "No she is right. You make that face when you did something stupid or need to tell something that isn't pleasant."

I sighed and said, "I have some unpleasant news."

Victoria looked concerned and said, "Whatever it is you can tell us."

I said, "I know the identity of my father."

They both were surprised and happy and said "That is good news, Jon. So why are you sad?"

I said "Because who he is. Is not pleasant and I am afraid that you both might not like me after knowing the identity of my father."

Daphne said "Look Jon we are not going to stop liking you because of who your father is. We still accept you as Jon and not as a Grindlewald and a Slytherin and it's not like your father is someone bad as them. Right?"

I said, "Sadly he is." They both were now nervous and asked "Just tell us who he is."

I said "His name is Tom Marvolo Riddle. But all of the wizard kind knows him as Lord Voldemort."

Both then were quite shocked and Daphne asked, "How did you know?"

I said then explained the thing with the diary and said "So he revealed his name I am Lord Voldemort."

Victoria asked, "He could be lying."

I said, "Why would he lie, there is no point in lying?"

Victoria said, "How is it that you are related to every possible bad guy?"

I said, "I don't know."

Daphne then asked, "So your mother?"

I said "No, it was against her will. I mean even he didn't know that he had a son."

Victoria asked, "How did he not know of you?"

I said, "I don't know, apparently according to Dumbledor I am an experiment."

Daphne asked, "Does he know?"

I said "He knows. But he doesn't know that I know."

Victoria said, "Who else knows?"

I said "Mostly Dumbledor and that is it. No one knows the true name of Voldy"

Victoria asked "Voldy?"

I said, "Well, his name is taboo so I use Voldy and many more names when I talk about him."

Victoria said "Look it's good no one else knows and most don't know the true name of... Voldy. So just don't tell anyone and we will be fine."

Daphne asked, "Is there something else as well that you forgot to mention when you told us the fable of the chamber of secrets?"

I said, "Well, now that you mention it..." They both looked tired and I said "When I said I helped Harry kill the Basilisk, I was lying." They looked at me and I said "What? everyone else was there." They both grunted and I continued "I didn't kill the Basilisk it is still alive and is currently in the chambers."

Daphne said, "So you are telling us that giant snake is still alive?"

I said "She is misunderstood. She didn't want to attack anyone. She was under the control of Voldy. But now I can control her because I am the Heir."

Victoria said, "So you are going to keep her?"

I said "I am going to take care of her. She is lonely. I just went yesterday with a deer and she was very happy that I visited."

Daphne said, "You are kidding right?"

I said "I am, obviously I can't keep her here. In this old dingy castle, I am going to move her." They both then sighed in relief. In reality, I was going to move her to an island near the Southport Mansion or get a bigger suitcase like the one that Newt had.

I then said, "Daphne there are some books about healing magic in the Chambers and I believe that there can be some cure for Astoria in there as well."

She said, "What? There could be?"

I said "Those were very old healing magic. That has been lost to time. So probably yes there can be. You should come and read them. That is of course after I move Yuri out"

Victoria asked, "You named the Basilisk?"

I said, "What was I going to do call her you for the rest of my life?" At first, I didn't want to but she was a very gentle creature. She even forgave me because I thought that she was a male.

They both then gave up and then went to bed and I said in my mind 'That went very well.' I then just went to my room to go to sleep.


The next day I went to Prof. Flitwick to be the advisor or supervisor. I took Victoria and Daphne with me. We walked up to his office and I knocked on his door and he said "Come in."

We entered his room it was bright and had many books, plants and many types of machinery that I didn't know about. He then asked, "What can I help you three with?"

I said, "Sir, as you might have heard that Headmaster has allowed me to form a permanent Dueling Club and we were wondering can you be the supervisor?"

He then stopped doing his paperwork and looked at us and said "And why didn't ask Prof. Snape with this?"

I said, "Because he mostly don't like idiots in his class and I can't imagine him handling that many idiots at the club. Also sir you are a former duelling champion and we can learn a lot from you."

He said, "I will accept this offer I will assign the room that you like. Just make some good rules and get some members and we will be good to go."

I said, "I will write the rules for the club they are here sir." I handed him the paper.

He took it and read it and said "Why did you allow younger students to fight with older ones?"

I said "In real-world scenarios, we will not get to pick our opponents and besides we can limit the usable spells in the duel. Making it fair for everyone."

He then looked at the paper and said "What are these rankings?"

I said "That is the weekly rankings. It will hold an account of who had the most wins in the week. I have done it to make it a bit more competitive."

He then said, "I assume you will be the captain of the club?"

I said, "No sir the captain will be the one who remains at the top of the weekly rankings for a month and that person will be the captain for the year."

He then asked, "Can we have the non-members duel?"

I said "All kinds of duelling will be under your supervision. So I don't think there is a problem with non-members duelling."

He then said, "I agree with this. You can count on me to be the administrator."

We then said "Thank you, sir." We then left his office and with that, the duelling club has been formed.


The segment with Cotton 🐍

Greetingssss readersss, I hope you enjoyed the chapter. Thank you for voting and commenting on the chapter.

I am sorry I had to change the duelling club situation. I thought it was not right to introduce a new thing at the end of the last year. So I am sorry for that.

I would like to remind you all that there have been some changes with the book particularly, after the first year fight with Voldemort the interaction with Dumbledor and the back story of Alyssa Bell as well.

Thank you to all the people who voted.

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