
Ch.22 Am I a suspect?

Today is the day. I can't wait for it. There has been some improvement in the rune's department I am this close to blowing this thing open. I will finally be able to watch movies and tv I can't wait.

After the classes ended I walked into the library with Alyssa. I could hear faint voices they said 'another one how many does he want?' 'Poor girl she is done'. I am getting a bad reputation I like that. We walked up to the Study Table the whole group looked surprised and confused.

Victoria asked, "Why *ahem* is she here?" she got a pinch from Daphne.

I said, " She is going to join the study group." I pointed her to a chair opposite of me and pulled the chair and helped her sit. I then sat down next to Daphne and Victoria I was more like in the middle of them. I then sat down and said "Her name is Alyssa Bell. She is from America and is the....first transfer student in the history of both the school. Tell them about yourself."

She then cleared her throat and said "Hey guys my name is Alyssa Bell. I am from L.A. California, USA. We are in the business of Oil and Natural gasses and Liquore. I was previously studying in Ivermorny I was in Thunderbird house. My mom studied in Ivermorny and my Father went here."

Hermione asked excitedly, "I have only read about the school. How is it? Is it like Hogwarts?"

She said "Not exactly the school has more strict rules regarding discipline. And we impose those rules to ensure the safety of the muggle world. Most of the students are not allowed to have all these devices as you have."

Ted said, "For that yo..." I coughed and gave him a look and said No.

Alyssa asked, "For that what?"

Ted said "For that, you have to be thankful to Daphne over there, her father sells those products.

Alyssa asked "Yeah, the products have made some jobs very easy and have only improved the Judiciary system. We all need to be thankful for the inventor of the products."

Hermione said, "Yeah, so many death eaters are in Askaban because of these devices."

Victoria asked, "Why did you move here then?"

She said, "Well, my mother wanted for me to transfer schools because..."

I said "There were some personal reasons. Let us not get into that." I then got up from the chair and said "Now that the formalities are done let's welcome her to the Study group."

All of them clapped quietly. I sat down and did my homework. Victoria looked a bit pissed and was staring a hole into my skull. Vitoria said in a hushed voice "Can you come over here I need to talk to you"

I said "Okay" and we moved behind two bookshelves I asked, "What is it that you want to talk about?"

Victoria asked, "What is it that you are hiding?"

I said, "I am not hiding anything Coco. I just asked her to join the group because she was lonely. Remember why we started the group in the first place."

She snapped back "We both know that is not true."

I said, "Okay Coco now you are just speculating."

Daphne came and said "Not here you two. We can continue this in the common room when we are alone"

Victoria cooled off and went ahead. I said, "Thank you Daphne for having my back."

She said, "When she knows that you were flirting with her she is going to murder you."

I said "That was because of the bet and need I remind you. You cheated."

She said, "Lips were never implied."

I said, "Lips were implied."

She said, "No they were not." we both went towards the table.

I said, "I am still counting that one as pending." she elbowed me.


The Halloween party was good. Alyssa also joined us. I thought that victoria would be angry but she was not, surprisingly.

We then just chatted and about our favourite movies and music. I looked at the Griffindor table and found that Ginny wasn't there. But I needed to exit first. So I cut myself with a knife on the finger.

Victoria and Daphne said "What happened to your finger?" they both looked at each other and Daphne said, "You...should probably go to Madam Pomfrey."

I said "Yeah, I will meet you guys at the common room"

I left the Great Hall and was able to hear the Basilisk and I ran towards it I slowed down once I saw Ginny who was writing the Warning on the Corridor wall. I watched her leave and then I heard faint steps of Harry and the gang. I made sure to be found there at the perfect timing.

I was standing in front of it and was moving towards the Hospital wing when I heard a loud noise from the Great Hall and heard "Stop right there!"

I looked up and found Harry and Ron were pointing wands at me and I asked "What is it?" I moved towards him

Harry said, "Do not move!"

I said "What is it? Why are you pointing your wands at me?"

Hermione said, "Lower your wands he didn't do it."

Ron said, "Look at his hand it is bleeding."

Then I heard "Enemies of the Heir, beware! You'll be next, Mudbloods!" it was Draco and then I turned and looked at the crime scene the cat was hanging and the warning on the wall.

Victoria and Daphne moved through the crowd

I said "I didn't do it"

They said, "Obviously we know, but they might have a different opinion."

I heard a voice "I'll kill you!" I unholstered my wand and stood in front of them and I heard "Argus!" It was dumbledore

Dumbledore had arrived on the scene, followed by a number of other teachers. In seconds, he had swept past all of us and detached Mrs Norris from the torch bracket.

"Come with me, Argus," he said to Filch. "You, too, Mr Potter, Mr Weasley, Miss Granger, and Mr House."

Lockhart stepped forward eagerly.

"My office is nearest, Headmaster - just upstairs - please feel free--"

"Thank you, Gilderoy," said Dumbledore.

The silent crowd parted to let them pass. Lockhart, looking excited and important, hurried after Dumbledore; so did Professors McGonagall and Snape.

Daphne and Victoria said "We are also coming"

I said, "No, both of you are staying here and make sure Astoria is also with you and travel in a group make sure everyone is safe I will be back in a jiffy."

Dumbledore and Snape were looking for answers and Lockhart was giving useless information which was not correct.

"She has been Petrified," said Dumbledore. "But how, I cannot say..."

"Ask him!" shrieked Filch, turning his blotched and tear-stained face to me.

"No second year could have done this," said Dumbledore firmly. "it would take Dark Magic of the most advanced--"

"He did it, he did it!" Filch spat, his pouchy face purpling. "You saw what he wrote on the wall!"

Harry chimed in "we saw him he had blood on his fingers."

Ron also said, "And we all know he uses dark magic."

Hermione said "He couldn't have done it he considers me a friend. He is the last person who could do this."

I said, "Thank you Hermione it looks like at least someone has their head straight." I looked at both of them.

Snape did come to my defence "Mr Jonathan was at the Halloween feast. But had to retire quickly because of some injury happened during the Feast. He seems innocent. However, what were you doing there Mr Jonathan?"

I said "I will be able to answer Headmaster. If we were somewhat private." I looked at Albus and Snape gave a look that said 'okay'

Ron said, "He is guilty he can't even tell the truth."

I said, "I won't be telling the truth to you Headmaster is a different case."

Snape said "Innocent until proven guilty." he said firmly.

Albus said "We will be able to cure her, Argus," said Dumbledore patiently. "Professor Sprout recently managed to procure some Mandrakes. As soon as they have reached their full size, I will have Severus make the potion that will revive Mrs Norris."

"You may go now Mr Potter, Mr Weasley, Miss Granger." Said, Albus. They left and then he said, "Can you leave us alone for a few moments please?"

They all left We both sat down. I hated this office it was filled with his portraits We sat down on the sofa and Albus asked "How are you, Jon?"

I said "Could be better. The summer was eventful. I don't know if you heard I became a Grindlewald."

He had a painful smile and asked "I hope you can be better than him."

I said "I wish for the same. Now onto the problem. I didn't do it."

Albus smiled and said, "I believe you Jon, but people don't."

I said, "I know, I was there because I heard a Snarl of a Beast and heard a footstep so I believed someone was in danger and was running away from it. So I followed it and that is how I ended up there"

He then said, "There is anything else you want to tell me about?."

I said, "No headmaster."

Albus said, "Okay then Jon you may go now and find yourself more trouble while going to your Common room."

I said, "Thank you, Headmaster."

I then left the office and went to the common room. I was greeted by everyone. Daphne and Victoria hugged me. so did Ted and Olivia and Astoria.

I said, "Astoria it is past your bedtime you should go and sleep."

Astoria said, "I don't want to Brother."

I said, "please?."

Astoria kissed me goodnight and said "Goodnight." She left and we sat down and I sighed.

Victoria asked, "What did they say?"

I said, "They believed that I was innocent and had nothing to do with anything."

Ted asked, "Why were you there?"

I said, "I heard a snarl so I followed it I also heard footsteps so I believed that someone was in danger but I found no one there."

Daphne said "First Trolls and now some unknown monster. The safest school my foot."

I said, "I am fine and I promise I won't follow that noise." I looked at Victoria and Daphne.

Ted said, "We should all get some sleep it has been a long day."

I said "Good night, guys"

Ted, Olivia and Alyssa left leaving Daphne, Victoria and me behind. I was sitting in the middle of them and I felt like I was in interrogation.

Daphne said "Tell us the truth"

I looked at her and said, "I am telling the truth!"

Victoria said, "Tell us the truth and we will stop bothering you."

I said "I'm not in the mood to talk about it, please. Maybe after some time."

Victoria said, "Okay, get some rest we will talk later."

They both left and I was just sitting on the sofa thinking 'I am not able to tell her about the Slytherin thing how am I ever going to tell her that I am going to marry Daphne.'


The segment with Cotton 🐍

Greetings readers, I hope you enjoyed the chapter. Thank you for voting and commenting on the chapter.

I have a small request from you guys can you guys please leave some reviews about the book. If you like it or hate it. Please give details if you hate it and why?

And wanted to know what is wrong with the earlier chapters?

I have read the comments and have found that you guys are okay with Hermione joining the Harem and have found that a few people see Luna as a little sister character.

I am comfortable with Hermione slowly joining at the start of the third year and luna will gradually progress and will be fully incorporated in the fifth year.

I also wanted to know if you guys have watched The Vampire Diaries, The Originals and Legacies cause I like them and was thinking of starting one within Legacies but fully AU. If you like them please comment. I would like to know your opinion.

I have started an original book but I will be still working on this book as well. I have already finished the chapter for the next day. If you want to read about the new book it is titled The Chaos Wizard. It is set in a modern fantasy magical world. Do give it a read if you are interested.

Thank you to all the people who voted.

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Please read my new work The Chaos Wizard.

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