
Ch.17 Is that the new Dark Wizard?

(In Hogwarts Albus Dumbledor Office Aug 11 1992)

I am preparing for the new school year. I just hope that this year nothing life-threatening happens to the kids like last time. I want this year to go smoothly for Harry, there were some hiccups last year but it all worked out well because of Jon.

I was working on class schedules and the teacher's schedule when I heard "Albus you must look at this." I looked up and found Minnie.

I said, "What is it, Minnie?" She gave me a look and I said "Yes, What is it, Minerva?"

She handed me the book that we use to get the names and addresses of witches and wizards to send them a letter I asked "What is it that you want me to do with it?"

In an angry tone, she pointed at a name and said look I adjusted my glasses and saw where she was pointing at and was surprised myself. It was Jon's name but it had now changed it went from just Jonathan to Jonathan Grindlewald House. I calmed myself and looked at Minnie and said "It is fine Minnie."

She said, "Albus it is not a time to joke the boy's name changed I expected it to change but not to this."

Albus got up and went towards the window and said, "It is fine Minnie the boy is not going to turn he already has shown his loyalty."

Minne walked closer to him and asked "Are you sure about this?" Albus just nodded and Minerva left his office. Albus then sighed and gazed outside the window seeing the New moon from his window and just said "I hope I am not wrong about you as well Jon."


(Aug 20, 1992, in South port mansion of House)

I was in my Room sleeping late because I have been trying to practice the Spells given to me by Uncle. The spells are amazing but are very stressful to use one small mistake can cause death.

The one spell that the book told me to use every day before going to sleep was Chargement the spell was used to load your body full o magic and increase your control over magic. It helped me to better control the hard dark magic.

And I did so the spell enhanced my magical capabilities I was intrigued by a spell that can be very handy in doing some shady stuff the spell was "le charme de l'esprit" I have successfully learned it but it was hard to master it.

I was sleeping when I heard Jeely came into my room with a tray with Orange juice and said: "Wake up Heir it's 6:00 AM." I woke up rubbed my eyes, Stretched and said "Good morning Jeely." I took the glass and drank the juice and went about my morning routine. I went for a jog and did some basic exercise.

After the exercise took a shower and ate breakfast and read some news it had something about Lockhart. I hated that I would have Lockhart as a teacher.

I then looked through the mails that came in the morning some were work-related from the various production houses that we had set up some from friends. And a letter from Hogwarts.

I picked up the letter and unsurprisingly my name got changed to Jonathan Grindlewald House. I knew that this would happen because Grindlewald was a much powerful surname than House.

I was smiling and was thinking what would Dumbledore be doing when he looked that my name changed to this? I wish I could see his face now. I then read the letter and they had sent the list of books and I decided to go shopping. I finished my breakfast and went to change.

I got dressed and was wearing a long black coat under that was a green jacket a white shirt and a red tie. I was wearing brown leather shoes. The time that I have spent with Florian has taught me that an essential component of living and managing a business is, dressing the part of your body speaks volumes. You should radiate an aura of confidence and self-worth.

I got down to the living room and said "Jeely!" she appeared and asked, "Yes, Heir?" I continued "I am going to do some shopping bring me the floo powder."

I didn't really like travelling from the floo network it messes up my clothes and not to say that isn't a safe method of travelling. Every fireplace is an entry as well as an exit but not to worry the one in this home is only an exist so it is pretty safe.

I stepped inside the Fireplace, Jeely came with some Floo powder, I took some and said "Diagon Alley" and whoos up in green flame I went. To be honest, Cotton doesn't like travelling so I usually keep her home.

I was now in Diagon Alley I stepped outside and cleaned myself. I then went to Madam Malkin's to get my robes altered I have gotten taller about 5'3" I also have grown my hair and had a slick back hairstyle.

After the robes were handled. I then went to get a Briefcase with the expansion charm from an American seller they were pioneers in this field it cost a pretty penny but it was worth it. It had about 3 rooms and were fully furnished. one room for Potions, the other was a library, and the third was like an area for storage. I also made sure to get a space for animals and a herb garden.

I then went to get some equipment for Potions and herbology. I then headed towards Flourish and Blotts to get my books

As I entered the shop I saw the promotional material for Lockhart's books and a hoard of people waiting for the con man to sign their books.

I went to the register and said "I want these books to be delivered to my house." I gave him the money and a list of books and shipping costs. He nodded and asked, "What is your name sir?" I was about to say my name when I felt someone touched my shoulder and I heard "Jon"


(Harry's pov)

The year is starting to look up after the birthday party Dad was now a lot more accepting of Jonathan and because of that Victoria was also happy and was starting to hang around more.

But dad was unhappy with her because she would always be listing to something on the dickman that Jonathan gave her. I must say Jonathan got a really good deal from Greengrass to get the prototype for Victoria and me. He must have paid some big money to him.

These products are everywhere. I have spent so much time on Legend of Zelda it is not even a joke. Ron also got a secondhand Gameboy and was also enjoying the game.

The inventor of these products must be a genius to be able to make these things work in the Wizarding world. I hope to meet the person one day.

Today we are going shopping for books and school supplies. We would ravel using Floo network. I stepped into the Fireplace and said "Diagon Alley." I reached the place and we gathered I also met up with Ron and Hermione. All of us went inside Flourish and Bolts and we saw Jonathan.

Victoria went up to him and tapped on his shoulder and said "Jon".


I then turned around and saw that the Golden Trio with family and It was Victoria who tapped my shoulder. I said "Coco, how are you?" She hugged me then she stepped on my foot. I said "Hey!" She then gave me a smug look and I then turned towards others.

I then said, "How are you all hoping the vacation has been fun?"

Then we caught up as to what the other's were up to during vacation. Then Lockhart came out everyone went there I said "You guys go ahead I will be with you in a moment." They went there and Lockhart started his bullshit.

I then said my name to the clerk and he was terrified after hearing my name and just nodded. I then just stood on the outer perimeter.

Harry got his photo taken and when I say that James and I vibing at our common hate of Lockhart.

We came back from the shoot and the parents talked to each other and Molly was in line to meet Lockhart.

Then we heard "Potter!" it was Draco and he went on "Can't even go to the book store without even making the front page?"

Ginny stepped in "Leave him alone."

Draco laughed and said, "Look at this Potter you got yourself a girlfriend."

I said in a low tone to Victoria "Better than being a forever loner like you." Victoria gave a weird laughed at that.

Draco then said, "What did you say you mudblood?"

Everyone in the group was angry especially Hermione and I sighed and said "I have told you time and time again that don't work on me, pretty boy."

Everyone laughed and Draco was angry and then the Drag queen stepped in and said: "Now behave yourself Draco." Lucius look angry but was successful in hiding it. He then saw me and said, "Well, if it isn't Mr Jonathan I believe it is our first time meeting?" he didn't offer his hand.

I then had a smirk and said "I believe it is so let me introduce myself, I am Jonathan Grindlewald House." I said it slightly loud but everyone heard it and was beyond shock to hear the name Grindlewald. Even Victoria was surprised because she didn't think I would actually take his name.

Draco looked at me and said, "You are lying you are a mudblood nothing else." I unholstered my wand and said in a grave tone to scare him, "Careful Draco I take my name seriously."

Lucius was furious and asked "What is the meaning of this? Are you threatening my son?"

I said in a taunting manner, "Did I said that? Someone must be using the curse on me. I didn't do it I swear." Arthur and James heard what I said and were barely controlling their laughter.

Lucius then removed his wand and said "How dare you?" Arthur and James intervened and I was bummed because I could have gotten some training done.

Arthur said "Trying to take a fight with a child Malfoy? You are low." And then Lucius and Arthur got into a fight and James broke it up.

They both got up and Lucius very slyly put the diary in Ginny's Cauldron and went away with Draco.

Everyone had some questions but Victoria told them about the relation with House and everyone calmed down but they were still confused as to why I took his name? I didn't explain why.

They still had some shopping left to do so left them and went on my way home. After reaching home I drank some tea which I have become addicted to. Did some research on my rune and practised my spells from the book and before going to sleep used Chargement and then went to sleep.


The segment with Cotton 🐍

Greetings readers, I hope you enjoyed the chapter. Thank you for voting and commenting on the chapter.

After coming out as a Grindlewald Mc has been getting good treatment from everyone because he is a Grindlewald and many rumours have also started that Mc is performing dark rituals and is on the path of becoming a dark lord.

I will like to ask that do you guys understand what the Mc is trying to accomplish with Victoria and how is he doing it?

I also have a small update I have started an original book but I will be still working on this book as well. I have already finished the chapter for the next day. If you want to read about the new book it is titled The Chaos Wizard. It is set in a modern fantasy magical world. Do give it a read if you are interested.

Thank you to all the people who voted.

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