
Knowing one's place (4)

"Do I not have your love," Torak raised the question to his mate.

Zael looked up from chopping the wood, his expression flat without an indication of whether he was happy or sad.

"Answer me, don't you love me anymore?" the alpha questioned him.

Zael blinked his eyes and averted his gaze. The truth was the opposite, he felt immense love for the alpha but something had changed.

He wasn't sure whether it was a bad dream or a premonition but Zael had these memories of incidences where he was the reason why the alpha ended up dead. In one story he went by the name Nathaniel and the alpha was called Noam.

They lived in a world where occurrences such as another life aren't hard to imagine. A fact that further scared Zael out of his mind. He was the key that would kill the alpha, knowing this. The last place he wished to be was standing next to Torak.

Which is why he was growing distant from Torak. It was to protect his love.
