
Creating a Doppelganger 3/3

The next day and after having rested enough to be able to assimilate everything that happened the day before.

Milena got up from her bed and stretched out her hands while she saw Marie next to her. With a big smile, she caressed her golden hair.

"Good morning Marie, I hope you are prepared because today we have to prepare everything necessary to create the doppelganger.

I have to admit that after the change of the day before I feel too energetic. It's as if I had drunk a whole pack of energy drinks.

Which is not bad however I can feel a great deal of anxiety because of the great amount of energy I am feeling.

If I can feel that energy as a demigoddess how can you stay calm when you must have an overwhelming amount of absolute power?"

Marie opened her eyes and yawned before getting up and hugging Milena to lay her down on the bed again.
