
An easy test for a princess

Milena who was in some kind of coliseum stretched out her hands while looking at Marie with a smile.

"You know I'd be pretty pissed off if I had to deal with these things with my pregnant stomach.

Fortunately, we are in a construction of reality created from a memory inside my soul, although if I am completely honest I think this is more like the strange books I read about history while I was on the street.

But I have to admit that this coliseum looks quite beautiful. I think it's a good place to be able to face all those souls that are looking to fight me.

Just remind me that when Liam comes back, we can give him a good punishment for trying to do things he shouldn't, although it doesn't put my life at risk, it's not that I'm going to enjoy fighting with all the people who are murdering during my life.
