
Fight sectarian werewolves in Oregon

After traveling on the interstate, they took a detour into the Town of Pendleton from where they made their way east.

On that somewhat rural road, they went through a large amount of forests which were quite beautiful since they were mostly coniferous forests.

"This looks extremely beautiful. If one day I have children again, I would like to travel on the road like this.

I think my children would like to spend time with their grandfather and father. Do you like the idea, Ethan? "

Ethan smiled and looked at Milena with affection. "For me, there would be no problem. I could even take you across the country on Route 66.

That way, you would fully know the wonders that this country has to offer for you. Children can also learn a lot about their nation.

You may not believe it, but I personally mapped that road. It was a rather tiring project, but without a doubt it is the most emblematic road in the United States.
