
A productive talk

Milena who was sitting on the sofa in her apartment could hear a knock on the door so she got up and opened it.

At that moment she could see Ethan who was smiling, so Milena let him into her apartment.

"I'm glad to see that you have finished getting the information from that werewolf. Do you know what kind of enemy we are about to face?"

Ethan nodded and sat on the sofa in the room. "It seems that clansless werewolves have banded together to become some kind of terrorist group.

Which aim to kill you, because you represent a real danger to all of them. "

Milena raised an eyebrow and walked over to her little bar in the apartment from where she grabbed two bottles of whiskey.

After handing one to Ethan, she sat down on a couch and started drinking from the bottle.

"So we have a problem in the form of savage werewolves who are already threatening innocent civilians just because they want to kill me."

Ethan nodded and opened his bottle of whiskey to drink from his bottle. "Because of this, I have asked the intelligence agencies of the country for help to be able to finish them all.

It will be the largest operation against clanless werewolves since 1943, during the second world war.

You must take part because you are the best killing werewolves. We hope you finish before the university entrance exams.

You have any idea what kind of college you want to get into. "

Milena nodded and gulped down some whiskey. "I'll take my exam at Harvard University so I can study medicine.

Maybe it will help me find a way to wake up Liam, by the way when we will be ready to go to Hungary and check out that Nazi base. "

Ethan stroked her mustache. "We should be able to go during winter break, after the first semester of your college is over."

Milena sighed and turned her head up to see the ceiling. "Marie, he offered me a beautiful way to talk to him. We just need to be able to bring his soul from wherever he is.

It will not be easy, but when we achieve it, the first thing I will do is hit him in the face and then I will try to start my family with him.

Perhaps the only good thing is that with the blessing of Marie, my children will not be able to die, so my father or anyone else who tries to kill them will suffer the consequences.

But I guess that's not the only thing you've come to tell me? "

Ethan smiled and downed the bottle of whiskey. "Because of your great popularity many fans have sent you letters."

With his outstretched hand Ethan appeared thousands of cards that fell on the table. "You should plan to use the internet to create an account on social networks.

To be able to receive messages and reduce the amount of paper used to talk to you. "

Milena scratched her forehead. "How is it possible to do that? I don't think it's easy to create an account?"

Ethan smiled and stared at Milena. "You can ask Dean for help, he can help you create your accounts on your social networks.

It shouldn't be complicated, you might even like it, only because of its importance, everything you want to upload or publish will have to go through Dean.

That way, if at any point you want to say something like.

Damn werewolves I hope those sons of bitches die.

Dean will be able to correct the text to something like.

I am repulsed by the unnecessary violence of werewolves, and I wish they would change those barbaric acts. "

Milena looked at Ethan with some disbelief. "Ethan, you know very well that if I want to disrespect werewolves, I can do it when I'm hunting them like rats.

Insulting them on the internet is a very low thing, even I understand that's why I only tell the truth when I post a comment on the net. "

Ethan began to laugh. "Milena, have you ever read your comments? Once a user questioned you for a comment and you published his address with the words, I will kill you.

I think that day the poor 15-year-old boy who insulted you shit his pants and hasn't posted anything on the internet again.

Sometimes swearing is better than sending direct threats. "

Milena closed her eyes and stroked her chin. "I think you're talking about the son of a bitch who said my recipe for scrambled eggs was an insult to the kitchen.

How dare you say that the egg does not have five types of cheese? That is an insult to all cheeses, no matter the food.

As long as it has cheese in any form, it will be a superior meal that everyone should be able to enjoy.

That is a reality. In the streets, what I liked to eat the most was the cans of yellow cheese that the stores threw away.

Simply because its expiration date was close to the day, they threw away all those yummy cans of yellow cheese.

Those were the best things that I liked to eat. Only with Liam I reduced my consumption of cheese because Dr. Aiko said it was bad for the babies.

But cheese is the best food man has ever created, and yellow cheese is the quintessential American symbol.

Which reminds me, Ethan, you could buy stocks in the nation's yellow cheese factories and place them as necessary expenses for my well-being.

If the king wants to keep me away from the werewolf kingdom, at least I should be able to enjoy all of his money.

Well, for a woman like me, having a yellow cheese production factory must be a necessity. What will I do if I don't have my own cheese. "

Ethan just sighed and shook his head. "I'll see what I can do. It shouldn't be impossible to do that. Just remember that in two days the wolf hunt begins.

I hope you are prepared because it will be somewhat tiring because you will travel throughout the country, cleaning state by state of the werewolves.

You will start with Hawaii and then Alaska. After that, you will be on the entire west coast of the country, then the central plains and finally the east coast. "

Milena smiled and looked at Ethan with joy. "Will I be able to enjoy the beaches of Hawaii?"

Ethan nodded and got up from the couch. "If you finish the mission quickly, you can enjoy the beaches of the Pacific."

Hi guys, new info about the novel because we have a contract the novel will enter in premium chapters, that's why this month I will publish only 1 chapter.

When we start the premium chapters, I will be uploading 2 chapters daily starting from December. Hope you understand, anyway remember to comment if have some suggestions or a doubt ;)

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