
Entrance to the horror laboratory

When Milena opened her eyes, she realized that she was in a dark place, when she tried my er she felt a pain in her stomach.

So looking in her bag she took out a lighter which she used to light the place. At that moment, she realized that she had a piece of metal that had pierced her stomach.

With a wry smile, she took the piece of metal with her hand and pulled it out, so some intestines and blood came out of the wound.

Milena simply sighed and watched her body slowly recover when she was fully recovered.

She took her weapons from the ground and got up to be able to investigate where that dark corridor led. After advancing for a while, some red lights came on.

Milena looked at that place with suspicion and advanced with enough care because she did not know what kind of things she could find, but she was completely sure that where there were red lights there would be problems.

With her weapons in her hands, she walked until she reached the end of the corridor where there was only one elevator. Using her hand, she pressed the only button there was.

At that moment, it was heard how the elevator seemed to go up, so Milena took a few steps back and prepared her weapons.

When the elevator door was opened, she could see some corpses coming out of the interior. Their eyes were red.

They walked slowly towards her, so pointing their pistols she opened fire on them.

The bullets simply went through their bodies without doing them any harm, so Milena frowned before shooting them in the head.

This did not kill them either, so in a desperate attempt she shot them in the heart. At that moment, the corpses fell to the ground while convulsing.

After this the corpses began to steam before turning into ashes, Milena who was looking at all that gulped and thanked having her gas mask.

It was at that moment that she noticed that among the ashes and the clothes in bad condition there was a credential which she picked up.

The badge was red and had a photo of a person, but she was surprised by what it said.

'Alpha security permit, infectious agents area.'

Milena sighed and picked up the credential before showing her satellite phone, which she used to dial Ethan.

"Ethan, you just found a real problem. The ice factory that sold drugs was just a front.

It seems that inside there is a laboratory of infectious agents. From what I could see, some living corpses came out of it.

I tried to shoot in the head and it did not work, however I managed to shoot in the heart, that ended their lives immediately. After that they convulsed and their bodies released steam before turning to ashes.

Now it seems that I only have the option of entering the laboratory although I can always return to try to leave the factory. "

Ethan who was listening to everything stroked his beard. "Things seem more complicated than what Milena told me.

You will see according to the description you gave, it should be a variant of the Kj1 virus.

A virus developed in Nazi Germany during WWII, based on how little it was created using the blood of an ancient vampire found in Austria.

According to us, we managed to destroy it at the end of the war, but it seems that your father or the kingdom of the werewolves managed to find a vial.

That's a real problem, and it gives us enough reason to declare war on the kingdom of the werewolves.

I want you to record everything you can from that place that we will file a complaint with the United Nations Security Council.

The tablet has a high resolution camera that can record in dark places or in any environment, also as it has quartz storage and nuclear batteries you can record anything you want.

Also, be careful because although you are possibly immune to the virus, if you let those damn zombies corner you it could be your end.

Remember, you are immortal but not a goddess or some kind of omnipresent and omnipotent being. "

"Very well, I will record everything I can."

Milena put away her phone, and the tablet appeared, which she configured to be able to record, after which she tore cloth from her dress and tied the tablet to her arm.

After this, she prepared his pistols and got on the elevator to be able to go down to the underground laboratory.

When she looked at the buttons and the card slot, she just sighed and inserted the card.

After doing that, she pressed the button with the number 1, so the elevator went down.

When it stopped, the doors opened and Milena could see the great amount of destruction that was in that place.

Pieces of glass, blood, meat and bullet shells.

But something caught Milena's attention because there were no corpses, because she could assume that they had risen, so she prepared to face any kind of enemy.

'I have to admit that this is the weirdest thing I've ever faced without taking into account the ghosts in that children's hospital.

At least in this place I can face danger, but in the children's hospital I couldn't do anything. '

Milena advanced while her black boots stepped on the pieces of glass. After a while, she could see the corpse of a soldier who had a shotgun hole in his chest.

Next to him was a shotgun, so Milena bent down and picked it up. When checking, she realized that it had at least 5 bullets, so she approached the corpse.

To be able to check it, although after an inspection, she realized that he only had three more bullets, so she only sighed and placed them inside the shotgun.

After this, she continued advancing down the corridor until she reached a metal door which was closed.

When she checked, he noticed that there was a small guard room on her right side, so when she entered it, she was surprised to see another corpse on the ground.

Which had an iron tube that had pierced his heart. When she checked it, she only found some bullets and some keys.

Which she took because they did not know if they would be useful for the future. After this, she checked the security cameras and could see that there did not appear to be corpses or living people in them.

So she felt a little anxious because he did not know with what or how many enemies she would have to fight.

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