
An uncomfortable truth

When Milena opened her eyes, she realized it was quite early, so she just sighed.

"That was a dream ..."

Milena appeared her tablet and upon unlocking it she could see a detailed map with some marked locations, this made Milena hold her head.

'It wasn't a dream, so an arms dealer threatened me, hahaha…'

Milena smiled and hit the wall, which made her hand bleed, so she only sighed before getting up and the satellite phone appeared.

By dialing some numbers, she waits for them to answer.

"Milena, what is it?"

"Last night, Marie, the arms dealer, visited me and threatened me for having killed children with her weapons.

She mentioned something about souls and gods. I even shot her in the head, but absolutely nothing happened to her. "

Ethan smiled and leaned back in his chair "I think we're in serious trouble Milena what do you know about the gods."

Milena opened her eyes with some anger. "They must be a lie because where they were when I lived on the streets, why did they allow the death of my children.

I refuse to believe that they exist, and if they do; they are perhaps the most despicable beings there are. "

"I understand your anger Milena, but you must know that they exist. It is just that they do not interfere in our dimension.

Because there is a free will for all of us, in simple terms, they cannot interfere, which is why they do not get into trouble with mortals.

Instead, they created faith, an energy to be able to create miracles. It is just that it is difficult for miracles to manifest.

Well, unlike magic, they can alter reality and the rules of life itself, like curing a child with terminal cancer.

But I tell you this because your words have shown that Marie the arms dealer is a goddess who is living among mortals.

A few months ago, when their weapons flooded the market we were noticed by some seers that their weapons can absorb the souls of those who die for them.

That is a problem, because souls must follow a process. They cannot simply disappear, since that breaks the natural cycle.

Now the real question is what is his goal of that goddess? Did he tell you anything else? "

Milena sighed and lit a cigarette. "She mentioned that when I died, I would have to follow her until she gave me freedom."

Ethan, hearing that could only sigh "I think things will be complicated for you in the future. The best thing you can do is respect the rules she gave you."

"But my revenge ..."

"Milena, you can continue to do revenge but we are talking about a goddess who is in our mortal plane.

Unfortunately, we do not know the power it has or its objectives, but if she let you shoot it only showed you that the attacks you made were completely useless.

Unfortunately, I do not know how you could fight against a goddess. I would have to do an investigation to be able to give you an answer to your problem.

But for the short term, you will have to change the course of your revenge to one that does not disturb that goddess.

You must be smart to use everything I give you to your advantage. I will also inform the president about Marie's level of threat.

We don't want to make a goddess angry. If you need anything else, don't hesitate to ask. "

"Since that is the only way I would like you to send me some silver weapons, as I will attack my father's dangerous chemical store."

"I'll send you weapons, but you know what kind of dangerous gases it has."

"Chlorine gas, sarin gas, mustard gas and anthrax."

"I'll send you a cleaning suit and I want the coordinates of that place, so I can launch a cruise missile when you clean it completely.

Otherwise everything within 200km will die and a cloud of chemicals could reach Spain or France, creating an unprecedented crisis. "

Milena who was somewhat angry only sent the coordinates after hanging up the call.

This is why she felt completely powerless, because her father could kill innocents, but she could not because he angered goddesses.

'Damn Clownworld, some can do things they want with impunity and others can't do anything because they have us tied up like a dog.'

Milena angrily started hitting the wall until her hands were bleeding and she had made a hole in the wall.

When she finished, she simply smoked a cigarette and wait patiently for the weapons and the protective suit.

After a while, a box fell from the sky. It was a little bigger than she thought, so when she opened it, she realized that there was a black motorcycle.

Milena smiled and stroked the smooth edges of the motorcycle before preparing all her weapons and donning her protective suit.

When she was ready, she drove her motorcycle on a dangerous road, because she could not enter a city or place with many people.

As she drove down that street, she remembered her time with Liam. Maybe it had not been too much, but it was enough to create unforgettable memories.

After some time driving the motorcycle, she was able to reach a hill outside the warehouse, so she hid the motorcycle and, using a telescopic sight saw the number of enemies in the place.

'Three guards at the entrance, two snipers, and apparently four other guards scattered outside the warehouse.

For a warehouse of prohibited weapons, it is very poorly defended, but at the same time it is a place in the open with a few guards.

No one would think that there are enough chemicals in this place to create a bloody assassination or commit a war crime.

My father's mind is truly morbid, but it's the only thing I can take revenge on. '

Milena readied her sniper rifle and sighed. "I am willing to destroy every valuable thing I have."

Aiming her weapon, she fired at the first enemy sniper with a 50 caliber silver bullet.

The bullet destroyed the sniper's skull, leaving his corpse in that place. Later, it targeted the next sniper who died in the same way.

Later Milena aimed at the scattered guards, which she killed in just seconds. When she finished with them, she killed the last two that were at the entrance.

After this, she got up from the ground and took her machine guns as she would enter, destroying everything in her path.

Hi, I hope you like this new story, I will be updated daily if you like not to forget to check my other works. Maybe you like some novels I write on the platform ;)

Pss it's coming a new cover img for the novel and some special gift for us be prepared.

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