
A social event 2/2

Liam shook his head and held Milena's hand.

"A few years ago, I was in a Middle Eastern country. We had a mission to stop a possible terrorist from Eastern Europe who was trying to sell enriched uranium.

The mission from the beginning was progressing correctly. We entered that enemy country and occupy our designated place.

But things did not turn out as we thought. A group of enemy soldiers realized where we were hiding, so they shot at us.

At that moment, we could only start our way of retreat, creating a great tide of blood our way.

Unfortunately, we ended up inside a school, which was brutally bombed because of us. The problem is that there were children at that time.

Their scared faces I still remember as we entered the sewer system below the school.

Although that day we escaped, I still remember the children's faces, because of us they died. If someone is a beast, it is me.

So you don't have to feel bad Milena, collateral damage in missions is something that happens very often, but that's part of being in hell while alive. "

Milena giggled and turned her head so she could give Liam a wonderful kiss. "I think you're learning quickly."

Milena then turned her head to see the road and began to accelerate. "I hope you are prepared because I will act like my mother did.

That pompous and self-centered attitude of feeling that I was above others, but at the same time, I will act like the princesses of the stories.

Cheerful and kid-friendly, it will certainly be the first and I hope that the last time you see me acting that way, I really think nobility is not my thing.

If I had been born into another family, my life would have been different, but no one can choose where to live. "

After driving for a while, they managed to reach a beautiful building which had balloons on the outside and some other decorations.

Milena, when she got out of the car, used her hand mirror and checked the state of her makeup. When she saw that she was fine, she looked at Liam with a smile.

"It is time for the children to meet this beautiful princess."

Liam, at that moment, returned the smile to Milena and stretched out his hand. "I would allow your hand princess."

Milena took Liam's arm, and they began to walk towards the building. When the children entered from their classrooms, they shouted with joy.

Why they were happy to see the princess and prince they had been promised, one girl pointed at the couple.

"Look, it's the princess and the prince. I told them they would come to our home. I can't wait for it to be break time to go see them."

"The princess looks very beautiful. I hope that I too can be a princess like her."

"The prince looks very good and strong. When he grows up, I will do my best to be like him. I am sure that way no one will be able to fight me."

All the children continued talking about Milena's and Liam's clothing.

When the two arrived at the director's office, Milena opened the door and could see the vampire woman that she had seen a long time ago, only this time she looked like a completely different woman because she had makeup on her face.

When the director saw Milena, she felt a feeling of anger. "I think I asked a princess, not a dog and her leash."

Milena smiled and took off the glove from her right hand to later throw herself at the vampire woman to be able to take her by the neck.

"Look, I understand you hate werewolves, but I didn't ask to be a bloody princess.

My life was miserable for my father, and I dedicated myself to killing werewolves. You think I belong to the same group as them.

I have no hatred against vampires and I am not interested in the fate of werewolves. That bunch of wild beasts have never treated me as part of their family.

Why should I care? "

The vampire woman started laughing. "I see. I apologize for what I said. I think you are more than a werewolf woman."

Milena at that moment released the woman and her hairy hand returned to its human state, so she put on her glove to protect her hand.

"Like you, I hate werewolves. I used to live with my family in the Chicago suburbs, but one day, things got out of hand when a clanless werewolf killed my adoptive family.

There I found out she was a vampire, but that's why I managed to kill that damn werewolf who killed my family. "

Milena smiled wistfully. "My mother was a princess of the Kingdom of werewolves who was exiled because of me because I was a cursed trash.

From that moment on, my life was miserable on the streets because every time someone approached me, they killed him like a dog.

It really was a completely complicated childhood, but let's avoid talking about what only makes me angry.

Just tell me what I need to do. "

The vampire woman sat in her chair and took a document from the floor, which she handed to them.

"This is the itinerary of the tasks that they must use as the prince and the princess. The children during this school period have proven to be good students.

So I wanted to restart them in a slightly fun way. Of course, I did a survey before among the students if they wanted to see a princess and a prince or even a group of superheroes.

But in the end he won the option of princess and prince, what they will have to do is simple, talk with the children and give them the opportunity to enjoy their dream. "

Milena hit her chest. "I can assure you that those children will be completely happy because they do read the mood of humans.

So I know exactly what I have to say to make them feel very calm and happy, while Liam I think he will be able to play me because in the end he is my husband. "

Liam, who was just processing the information, nodded and said nothing, since such radical changes in attitude were rare for him.

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Pss it's coming a new cover img for the novel and some special gift for us be prepared.

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