
Fight on the highway

The woman who was driving the black van sang her Frank Sinatra song at the top of her lungs.

As she did so, she smoked her cigarette while watching the city lights from the Highway.

In one of the cars in front of her, a boy who was in his parents' car playing with his favorite toys, looked curiously at the woman who was singing.

He didn't understand why he was singing so hard, but he liked the way the woman looked, as she seemed to be quite happy.

While the woman sang her song, she was stunned for a few seconds when she saw in slow motion how two werewolves jumped on the bridge in front of her.

But her gaze quickly shifted to the boy in the car in front of her, throwing out her cigarette and trying to honk her horn to alert the family who were riding in the car.

But everything was useless when in slow motion she could see how one of the werewolves fell on the hood of the car, killing all its crew immediately.

The woman gritted her teeth and, using her hand, pressed the parking brake while turning her steering wheel. Because of that, she was able to avoid the car in front of her.

Feeling her breathing increase, she did not take her hand off the parking brake and the steering wheel as she made her evasive maneuver.

Fortunately, due to what she did, she managed to dodge the initial attack of the werewolves, so when she managed to accommodate her van on the highway.

She hit the gas with all her might and turned her head to the passenger seat so she could grab a safety baton.

After placing it on the steering wheel so that it would press the horn and the van would not move from its course, she took a hand weight from the passenger seat and placed it on the accelerator.

She did all of this in a few seconds because she knew the werewolves were following her at a speed of nearly 200 kilometers per hour.

So it would be a matter of time before they caught her, so already having the Van moving at a high speed and with the fixed route.

She got up from the driver's seat, and from the bag of weapons she had. She took two Uzi micro machine guns, then from a small table she opened a drawer and took two magazines with silver bullets.

After placing the silver bullets, she ran to the back of her van and kicked the rear doors open.

The first thing she could see were the two werewolves, so she smiled maniacally as she pointed his weapons.

"Swallow silver, you sons of bitches!"

At that moment, she pressed both triggers on the gun, and the bullets shot towards the werewolves.

The first managed to dodge the shots while moving from side to side, but the other werewolf did not have the same luck so when a blast of silver bullets.

It went through his head and he just rolled across the cold concrete as he turned into a human being, which was crushed by a truck which he could not stop.

This caused the driver to lose control of his truck so he ended up overturning on the highway, which made the other cars unable to stop making a chain reaction.

Unfortunately, the truck was transporting flammable materials, so a spark made an explosion that made the woman laugh nervously.

"I hope the insurance covers the expenses ..."

The werewolf who was angry about his partner's death made a roar and started running faster.

So the woman gritted her teeth and kept shooting at the werewolf, who was able to dodge almost all the shots.

When the bullets from the two machine guns ran out, the woman just screamed and threw her machine guns at the werewolf running towards her.

Fortunately, one of them managed to hit the werewolf's face, so the woman took advantage of the distraction to open her hands.

Which became two hands with black fur and huge claws.

"Come to mom, you piece of shit without a clan!"

This angered the werewolf, who ran more furiously before launching himself at the woman with the intent of finishing her off.

The woman only opened her arms and let the werewolf's claws pierce her chest. This she did with the intention of piercing her own claws into the werewolf's head.

The werewolf who having his head completely pierced only trembled before turning into a human, because of the difference in size.

The claws of the woman destroyed what was left of the skull of the subject, who fell to the ground of the highway. The woman took a deep breath as her body recovered at a speed that could be seen with the human eye.

After giving a yell, the woman took a deep breath before lowering her head and looking at her breasts to be seen as her clothes had been ripped apart.

This angered the woman, who only clenched her fist before closing the back doors of her van.

With some anger, she took off her shirt and put on an old jacket that she had. After that, she walked to the driver's seat and removed the safety baton as well as the weight of the accelerator.

"Those damn werewolves and their attacks ..."

The woman interrupted her curses when her cell phone began to vibrate. With a scared face she answered.

"356 People Milena, you just killed 356 people!"

Milena scratched her head. "It was not my fault. Two werewolves attacked me on the highway. The idiot died and caused the accident ..."

"You are an idiot, you know you have to follow protocol ..."

Milena simply sighed while ignoring the words of her superior, so she took out of her jacket a box of cigars from which she took a cigarette and which she placed in her mouth.

From the glove compartment of her van, she took one of the many lighters she had and lit her cigarette.

After smoking a little, she relaxed and looked sadly at the road. "I'm sorry I had to follow the protocol, but those damn people killed a family.

I could see how the metal destroyed the face of an innocent child. He was just a minor.

You know very well that when those damned kill in front of my eyes, I can't contain myself. What else I wanted me to do.

If all I know how to do is kill, I grew up in the streets because wherever I was, was destroyed by my stupid father.

My mother hated me since I was born and my sister just ignores me like I'm a bloody stain on her name.

Life was shit with me. I couldn't even go to school. I'm just a damn failure who only knows how to kill. "


"I understand your words Milena, but the protocol is the protocol, 80% of your next pay will be deducted from you.

See you at the headquarters as there are new rules for you. "

After this the call ended so Milena smiled '80% is not bad, I was hoping I would not receive anything, I guess I can eat this week.'

Hi, I hope you like this new story, I will be updated daily if you like not to forget to check my other works. Maybe you like some novels I write on the platform ;)

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