
Dungeon Break (1)

            In the office, Aanya, Professor Aleister, and a few others were conversing on an important topic. Usually, Aanya has no place here, but considering her position as the student president and once an elite student, others thought her input would be required to make the decision.

          "I know what you fear, uncle," Aanya said to Aleister. "In the past, when you stopped me from going to the trial, I think it helped me a lot in the time to prepare my strength, but that does not mean I did not resent you for wasting my time. I know you are looking out for the freshmen, but you have to consider their position as well.

          "I reckon there are two students in the freshmen year who could go against anyone in the second year."

          "I have considered all this," Aleister said. "But you of all people know in the second trial, they will not just contest against people of the lower planet, but the people of the mother world as well."
