
Chapter Twenty Three

Wolde Samuel walked out of his cottage after having some mental breakdown on how he felt useless since he can't think of a way to get those people out of the cells.

He stared to walk. Just a simple walk to get his mind at ease and to find a way to save his people with a calm mind because he freaking out wasn't doing anything any better.

Letting his feet to wonder around freely, the calm that he was receiving from the atmosphere was very appealing. He has finally calmed down and started to walk to the direction where he finds Tsege the most, the lake.

When he got there, just like he thought, he found her sitting at the edge of the lake, just staring at nothing.

Tsege isn't thinking anything but has zoned out. Her hiccup has stopped now and she is very happy about that.

Wolde Samuel walked to where she was sitting and sat on the ground beside her, also joining her on staring at the lake.
