
Qimen Dunjia

編輯: Henyee Translations

Thump, thump… Feng Qing heard a familiar frequency and familiar rhythm. In Feng Qing's mind, a familiar figure appeared. It was her good brother, Xu Mingqian. In that instant, Feng Qing's eyes widened. She suddenly looked at Night God, who was turning on the computer, her eyes filled with disbelief.

At the same time, the Night God turned to look at her. An electronic voice sounded. "Speak, what do you want to check?"

His words pulled Feng Qing back from her shock. Feng Qing quickly adjusted her emotions and said, "Help me check the topographic and structural designs of the Duke's Manor. It would be even better if I can find their defense methods."

The Sword God was curious. "Master, why do you want these things?"
