
Chapter 80

As soon as the meat was put away, the hides prepared, and all other usable parts distributed, I cleaned myself carefully, held a long talk with Otter, and went to look up Cut Hand. He was taking his rest in front of his lodge.

“Cut Hand, I would marry your sister, if she will have me.”

“She will have you, old friend.”

“I can offer ten ponies and three new percussion rifles.”

“Is she worth all that?” He laughed, abandoning the hard bargaining usual in such an event.

“More, dammit! I’ll give twelve ponies, but that’s my limit!”

He roared with laughter. “If I say eight, will you increase it to fourteen? Agreed, William Joseph Strobaw. If she will have you, it is done.”

I frowned. “I…I thought you said she would.”

“She will. She will. Go ask her now.”
