
Chapter 8

He just blinked, nonplussed. I knew I had surprised him with that. But then, slowly, a smile broke out on his face. It was small and tentative, but it was definitely a smile. I couldn’t help the scowl that crossed my own features. This wasn’t some damn joke.

He hadn’t moved from his seat the entire time, just turned the chair around to face me, and now he wheeled it closer until he was at the edge of the couch, close enough to touch. “How could you ever love me if I treated you like you were ordinary?” he asked softly.

Now it was my turn to stare. I had no idea what to say to that.

Matt’s smile grew a little wider. “Oscar Wilde. ‘Never love anyone who treats you like you’re ordinary.’ Alex, you are a hero. You’re my hero, and you have been since I met you. But it’s simply because of all the things you are, who you are, not just because of your job. Believe me, I am fully aware of your faults. Doesn’t diminish my feelings for you in the least.”
