
Chapter 38

“Leave for where?” Tom repeated. He propped himself up on an elbow and squinted at Jack, as if trying to read the destination in his face.

Jack looked away, pretending something on the nightstand had drawn his attention. Tom would call him a sap, so he wasn’t going to say anything about it, but he knew the fact they’d been together for nine months now was a big thing, for Tom because he’d never done any kind of relationship, long term or otherwise, and for Jack because—well, he was pretty new to this gay thing and was still feeling his way.

“Where are we going, Jack?”

“It’s a surprise.” Jack hoped that would be enough to get his lover out of bed. “Here. Have a Coke. It’ll wake you up.”

Tom started to look interested. He accepted the can with its condensation beading down the side and took a gulp. “This surprise doesn’t involve me, whipped cream, and Bosco, does it?”
