“Andrews!” she heard the guard call. “You got a visitor.”
Cam hoisted herself up off the bed and walked down the corridor.
Maggie’s eyes opened wide in shock when Cam entered and sat down across the table from her.
“What happened to you?” she asked.
“Walked into a wall.” Cam gingerly touched the side of her face that was slightly black and blue and still swollen. “I’m alright. Don’t worry.”
“How’s the other gal look?”
“Not a scratch on her,” Cam boasted. “I was really careful not to hurt her.”
Maggie smiled and Cam laughed.
“Oh, and I met a women named Ruth,” she told Maggie, hoping Maggie would make the connection.
“I see she made a big impression on you,” Maggie smiled and looked into Cam’s eyes to tell her she understood.
Cam looked down and whispered, “It took all my will power not to deck her. I’ve been trained too well. How’s the outside world?” Cam asked, a little louder. “Are you getting my letters?”