
Chapter 8

“Shall I guess why you’re here and show off my magnificent deducing skills?” he asked.

“It probably takes very little deducing to figure why I’m here.” Cam grinned. “I was going to ask you if you had any pull in getting me back into the Department. I guess that’s a stupid question.”

“I was hoping that’s why you’re here,” He leaned forward onto his elbows. “Let’s cut the bullshit. I told you last fall that I’ve been following your career. I have. I caught your name in the papers when you got that medal of honor a couple of years ago and I’ve been keeping my eye on you ever since. I have to be honest. At first it was just curiosity, you know, because we’d worked together but you’ve impressed the hell out of me. You’ve turned into one tough cop. I really liked the way you handled yourself on the Harbor Boat case. I’m glad you were assigned to it. If I’d been smarter, I probably would have recruited you then. Now I’m glad I didn’t.”

“Why?” Cam was puzzled by his last statement.
