
Chapter 86

“What? How?” Browne saw the expression on my face and shook his head. “Never mind.That makes it perfect. Max is a good doctor. If Godard hasn’t been replaced yet…?”

“He hasn’t.”

“There you go.” He slung his arm around Max’s shoulders and gave them a squeeze. “I never liked the son of a bitch anyway. He didn’t have your touch with a needle, Max. Did you do him, sir?”

“Jesus!” I glanced at Quinn from the corner of my eye. The last thing I wanted him to realize was how casual I could be regarding life and death. “He wasn’t canceled,Browne. He decided it was time to retire.”

“Doesn’t make any difference to me.” Browne shrugged. “Oh, shit. Did The Boss get in touch with my family?”


“My mother’s gonna be pissed when I show up for Thanksgiving dinner.” The thought seemed to please him.

I shook my head and turned to the doctor. “So, Max—”

“I should tell you my license has been revoked, m’sieur. Euthanasia is not looked upon with favor in France.”
