More likely unwilling. They might have been inexperienced by some standards, but they were still CIA.
“I regret I must give you an injection of scopolamine, m’sieur.” He withdrew a small vial and a syringe from another pocket, and drew up the drug. “Would you prefer to relieve yourself first?”
He saw my surprise. An experienced interrogator would refuse permission to use the bathroom, thereby forcing the one he was questioning to humiliate himself by having a childish accident. The emotional distress to an adult would be severe. That made him either inexperienced or else playing some deep game of his own.
Max just shrugged. “Sooner or later, one way or another, the Administrator will have the information he requires. I see no need to make this more uncomfortable than necessary. Turn around, please.”
He was so polite. Could I use that to buy myself some time? He freed one wrist, leaving the cuffs dangling from the other.