
Chapter 40

“Your foot—”

“Fuck my foot.” I kissed him again and, keeping my lips on his, started to pull my arms out of my sweater, reluctant to release his mouth.

“Kinky!” he murmured against my lips.

“Very funny, Hedley Lamarr.”

He burst into pleased laughter. “No one ever gets my impressions.”

“Well, I—Oh, fuck!” I tore myself away from him, one arm still in a sleeve and the other not, and smacked the wall. “Of all the motherfucking, cocksucking—”

“Mark!” Quinn put his hands on my shoulders. They were warm, and the hand on my leftshoulder was gentle. “What’s wrong?”

I scrubbed my face with my hands. “No supplies.”

“Pardon me?”

“You heard me, Mann. I didn’t bring anything with me. No condoms, no lube….” I was so hard I could hammer nails with my cock, and I didn’t even have a rubber in my wallet. I liked to pride myself on my preparedness. I was tempted to kick something, but without shoes on, I’d probably only succeed in breaking a toe.
